Had done this when I had left over curved pieces when I was doing the tower for my gondorian wall. Tree from a craft store for one of their holiday villages, stripped of foliage and dry brushed grey and white.

Wanted to do something like this but needed less elfish columns.

Used Hirst Arts mold 65 to do these columns.

Went back to my goto mold 56 and built a floor

Added new columns and arches (mold56 again)

(as it is dryfitted, not all pieces align or made to fit)
Of course, what is a project without statues.

A simpler one with just an entrance arch (column top is from mold 74)

Without a floor

Or maybe I'll just do a window or shelf piece.

Not sure what I will do eventually, just was in a mood to play with plaster. Since not everything is glued down, will go into storage until I decide if I want to build something with the pieces.