The One Ring

General Advice on 4x6 Rocky Terrain Board
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Author:  Erchamion [ Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  General Advice on 4x6 Rocky Terrain Board

I've been painting Lord of the Rings figures for about four years now, and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I have never attempted terrain, however, and am interested in doing so now. I've been meaning to get to it for a couple months, and just recently came across this forum. I'd appreciate some general advice on building this. I've read through a lot of the posts on here, but I have some specific questions that I have yet to find addressed.

As I said in the subject line, I'm looking to build a 4x6 game board. Non-modular, as I like the aesthetic of a carved table. I have some preliminary plans drawn, but the basic idea is this: a rocky, barren landscape that could either represent a mine or cave, or a Mordor-esque landscape; that is, lots of rocks, very grey and dark, probably no trees or flock. Included, I'd like a small river, lots of hills or rocky outcroppings, a large natural/carved wall in the center, and a stone town of sorts. My questions are as follows:

When painting this sort of landscape, would just using a black undercoat with grey basecoat and progressively lighter shades of grey/white drybrushings look flat or chalky on such a large scale? Do I need some brown shades in there? I'm looking for a grey, dark look, but I wouldn't want a flat-looking color.

When making or carving stairs, do people prefer carved steps that are large enough for miniatures' bases to stand on, or steps that are to scale for the miniatures (i.e. appropriate for the approximate foot sizes of miniatures)?

What's the best way to make several buildings out of stone? I've looked at things like HirstArt molds, but the cost and effort of casting a hundred times seems inefficient on this scale. Is carving foam blocks and building the houses from scratch viable, or maybe carving buildings out of block of foam?

How would you suggest building a kind of castle wall that looks carved out of a natural formation? Again, I've looked at molds, but that seems like it would be a little too artificial looking. I'd like it to appear as though it was a natural part of the landscape that was adapted by men/dwarves/goblins/orcs.

How difficult is it to make a river? I've seen epoxy resin type things to make the water, but I've heard it can be fairly difficult if you aren't experienced.

Best way to make a bridge? I imagine I could carve one out of pink foam, but the curvature poses an issue for anything of a reasonable size.

Is it unreasonable for gameplay to have a board covered vastly in terrain? It seems to fit with the style of landscape, but it also seems to lack versatility, especially for larger figures like dragons.

I'm sure I'll have more questions as time continues, but that's it for now. I apologize for the long post, and I certainly don't expect anyone to answer all parts of this; anyone who has experience with any part of this who has answers to questions would be appreciated. Any general advice on making this kind of terrain is also appreciated.

Again, apologies for the long post, and thanks in advance for your time and responses,


Author:  Trickrick [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Advice on 4x6 Rocky Terrain Board

This is very ambitious for a first go at making terrain.

I would suggest you try something smaller as a first step.

Take one of the ides you have, say a single building, include a base.

Build this and do the base to see how you like the look.

As for flock, I believe you should still use some, as it brings the terrain alive.

Make the building out of Extruded Polystyrene, either make individual blocks or carve it into sheet, make the base out of hardboard.

Check out coolminiornot, the terrain section for ideas on stone buildings, select 8 to 10 and try and copy some of the amazing buildings you will see.

And have fun, terrain making is really rewarding.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Advice on 4x6 Rocky Terrain Board

I noticed you did not mention owning any tools.
It is very hard to give advice without seeing the plan.
A fixed table takes up a lot of space and gets boring fast.
I do not think you can put too much terrain on a table but some gamers hate it. It makes the math problem harder.
I like scale stairs. I use adapters for the miniature when it is necessary.
I like Hirst Arts. I build buildings from wood blocks. Carving them from foam is an option if you do not have tools.I did not understand your question about the bridge.
Water is easy but it depends on your base material.
Paint is a totally different issue. Latex house paint and craft paint are best for terrain. House paint is available in sample sizes in any color. Large brushes and sponges are best for terrain.
Textured flock is also important.Do not use sand use saw dust.


The bridge is plywood.The end are separate so I can use it on diffrent tables.


the rocks and bank are pine bark


the texture on the bridge and table is drywall filler/Mud


the water is one coat of Modge Podge over true blue craft paint.


the ground work was painted in several grays and browns befor it was flocked. Add water last.


Dry brush dark to light


The drywall filler almost looks like snow.


I used plywood because this table was going to stay at the store. I use modular terrain at home.


drywall tape



I cut the plywood with a jig saw at an angle to make the bank.


The Plan


From my pre Movie Goblin town.


From Hirst Arts and completely modular.
There are a lots of ways to make rocks. I can make some more useful suggestions with a plan.


Stair adapter

Author:  Mapper [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: General Advice on 4x6 Rocky Terrain Board

Stairs - I like a combination of scale and size for bases, several rises of scale stairs with a larger platform every fourth step.

For examples of board building, besides Old Man Willow's WIP - I would look at - on the board here as Xintao. He has built several outstanding boards for convention games.

Would also recommend getting the terrain book from Woodland Scenics as well as watch their videos on Youtube. They show several ways of doing rock outcroppings, walls, etc as well as how to paint the plaster/rocks to get different effects.

Good Luck!

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