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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:06 am 
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OzCon is rapidly approaching and I have been busy with helping to organise it. It's looking at being a massive event with over 1000 poeple expected through the doors - more so if we can get TV coverage. I actually sent off my very first Media Release yesterday!

We have had some support from Historicon in the States as well, and we're expecting the manager of that event to be present.

If you live in the area and want to come and have a look, I will be there building my gaming table and will have Weathertop and the Gatehouse of Edoras one display too. Say hi.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:46 pm 
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Dagorlad said:
in the heart of one of Australia's greatest wine districts

I am sure, like everyone else here, we see that as purely a coincidence... :P Have a great time!

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:51 am 
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The choice of venues was deliberate. The guy organising it all (Mal Wright) got heartily sick of the usual "sausage sizzle and soft drinks" at the various conventions around the nation and vowed to do something better with this one. McLaren Vale is a beautiful region, produces some of the greatest wines in the country and is very close to the best beaches in South Australia.

Plus, it's only about half an hour from his home ;)

The location itself has proven to be a major draw card for many interstate and overseas visitors, and some of the local wine producers are getting behind the whole thing in a big way. We told some of the 1st and 2nd generation Italian winemakers that we were running a game based on the Battle of Madonna del Olmo and they were amazed that we knew so much about Italian history. As a result, we have a stack of wine bottles to give away on the day!

I'll be building a game table while I'm there (I think I may have mentioned it somewhere). Here's what it's looking like at the moment:


Click to biggify the images

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:56 am 
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Nice work Alan,
How did you do the thatching?

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:52 pm 
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Ahahaha! Thatched roofs seem to taunt you!

Looking good Alan, the castle in particular looks great.

Obviously that convention is pretty much as far as it can be from me but I'd love to attend. Good luck for your workshop! ;)

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 3:19 am 
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Thanks Pinky, yes I did the thatching, and it's not finished yet. Mac and Bart will vouch for how time-consuming it is, but the end results are great.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:09 am 
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Well, the convention has been and gone. I was pleased to have met two One-Ringers while I was there, so that's great! Thanks for coming up and saying hi!

Admittedly there was no LOTR gaming there, but I did take along my Weathertop model for display purposes, so we were well represented at least. Next year may be a different matter - I am working on the main organiser to see if I can get some other games beside purely historical ones in the mix. Not sure how I will go since he sniffed unappreciatively at my Nazi dinosaur riders, but if I am persistent he may cave!

I had a blast though and I am sure I inspired a few people to try terrain making for themselves. There was a young lad there called Charlie who was permanently at my table for the whole two days - he even got to actually make some stuff with me on the table, so he went away very happy.

Already planning next year's!

Here are some photos - the 5th and 6th shots are of my castle. ... GzUw%3D%3D

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