Hey guys, Robert here from lotrsbgbattles on youtube. I got together last night with several players from our ongoing world campign and we are hammering out a 2 day tournament coming up in Denver CO.
Dates as of right now are Oct 18th-19th ( saturday and sunday) with a big get together at my place on that Friday night (oct 17th) for a massive Helms deep siege scenario!!!! (Awsome board in the works for that

Right now we are going to go with 2 armies per player ( One good and one evil), 3 games per day with prizes and awards at the end. more rules to come over the next month or so. RIght now we are targeting armies of 650 pts in size. Entry fee should be about $50 and will include some nice swag for the entry and lunches/drinks provided. Post here if you have interest and I will update as more details are agreed upon. We should have a link to a website soon for sign ups, FAQ's and other rules.

"It is too much!"
Update: Here is the website link for the event!
http://milehighlotr.com/home/feel free to check it out and think about signing up!