The One Ring

Contents of "Best of White Dwarf" Compilations
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Author:  valpas [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Contents of "Best of White Dwarf" Compilations

The Fellowship Edition (2002)

Painting Masterclasses
    Beginner's Painting
    Legolas and Gimli
    The Last Alliance
    Escape from Orthanc
    the Hobbits
    Aragorn and Boromir
    Cave Troll
    Evolution of the Ringwraiths
    The Balrog
    Rules: Sauron (outdated in latest rulebook)
    Designer's Notes
Battle Reports
    Orcs Attack
    Ambush at Amon Hen
    Escape from Balin's Tomb
Scenery Workshop
    Building a Gaming Board
    Building Balin's Tomb
    The Bridge of Khazad Dum
    Building Amon Hen
Scenarios: Amush at Amon Hen (2 part)

The Two Towers edition (2003)

Painting Masterclasses
    Heroes of Helm's Deep: Aragorn, Théoden, Gamling, Gimli, Legolas and Éowyn. Also the Elven banner, but no guide for the elves or Haldir themselves.
    Balin and Durbûrz
    Daren Parrwood's Light-up Balrog
    Modelling Workshop: Banners
    Ent conversion guide
    Helm's Deep, not exactly a guide but a description how GW staff built it.
    Building the Watcher of Water and the Walls of Moria (the area around the Watcher's Lake)
Scenarios and mini-games
    Scenario design guide
    Faramir's Escape: Scenario, Faramir's rangers vs. Orcs
    They're Here: Scenario, Ringwraith on Fell Beast and Orcs vs. Faramir's men in Osgiliath.
    Don't Disturb the Water...: Scenario, Fellowship vs. Watcher
    Duel on Zirak-Zigil: Gandalf vs. Balrog mini-game
    Race to Bruinen Ford: Arwen flees from Ringwraiths in a mini-game
    Wizards' Duel: Gandalf vs. Saruman mini-game
Battle Reports
    Wrath of Rohan: Eomer and Riders vs. Ugluk's team
    Deeping Wall and Defend the Gateway: The TT rulebook scenarios depicting the siege of Helm's Deep.
    Battle for the Dwarrowdelf: Balin and Dwarves vs. Goblins
    Watcher in the Water: Fellowship vs. Watcher
    Different Ent species
    Ringwraiths (no Witch-King). The same as in RotK rulebook.
Misc stuff
    Designer's Notes: Two Towers and Shadow&Flame
    Fellowship of the Ring Rules Clarifications
    Golden Demon 2002 winners
Rohan Royal Guard Rules (outdated, current ones in RotK rulebook)

The Return of the King edition (2004)

New Troops
    Eagles: Landroval and Meneldor
    Ents (same as in the TT edition)
    Siege Bows for Easterlings and Mordor Uruk-Hai
    Mirkwood Elves
    Gondor Fiefdom Warriors (The Beacons are Lit)
    New Orc troops (Legions of the Eye)
Area Rules

These are area-specific rules for playing games in different parts of Middle-earth.
River assaults
    River Assault Rules, a newer version of these has been published in WD.
    Scenario: Escape on the Water, WoMT vs. Orcs on river
    Building boats
    Rules of Engagement: Tournament Rules
    Muster of Middle-earth: Guide to theming forces
    She Hunts: Shelob vs. Orcs
    Ride of the Ringwraiths Campaign, five linked scenarios: Osgiliath, The Gap of Rohan, Slaughter at Sarn Ford, Amon Sûl and Ford of Bruinen.
    They're Here (again): Ringwraith and Orcs vs. Faramir's troops in Osgiliath. Same as in the TT edition.
    Still Don't Disturb the Water: Watcher of Water vs. Fellowship, same as in the TT edition.
    Sands of Kârna: WoMT vs. Haradrim
    The Red Arrow: Hirgon sneaks past orcs
    Faramir's Escape Campaign, three linked scenarios: Faramir's Escape, Damrod's Gambit and In the Shadow of Osgiliath.

Thanks for Gollum Rules for the contents of the first compilation.

-- Pasi

Author:  DurinsBane [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Thats excellent to know Pasi and a great break down on contents !

Author:  Potenza [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for this information, but I just can't find these compilations. Should I ask after them in my local GW store?

Author:  Gstormcrow [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes Potenza your local GW is bound to have some copies or at least can get you some. Nice job on that list Pasi :wink:

Author:  Pantera [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great list Pasi, hopefully it'll encourage people to buy them!

Author:  Gollum Rules! [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's the list for the first compilation:

Designer's Notes

Painting Masterclasses: Sauron, Beginner's Painting, Legolas and Gimli, The Last Alliance, Escape from Orthanc, the Hobbits, Aragorn and Boromir, Lurtz, Cave Troll, Evolution of the Ringwraiths, The Balrog

Rules: Sauron (outdated in latest rulebook)

Battle Reports: Orcs Attack, Ambush at Amon Hen, Escape from Balin's Tomb

Scenery Workshop: Building a Gaming Board, Building Balin's Tomb, The Bridge of Khazad Dum, Building Amon Hen

Scenarios: Amush at Amon Hen (2 part)



Author:  Pantera [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Somewhat smaller, thoguh still OK. I may get this one sometime.
Thanks GR!

Author:  valpas [ Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Stewart, the list is now complete.

-- Pasi

Author:  jamzi [ Thu Mar 03, 2005 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is there any way i can get the FOTR compilation. or the TTT compilation. brand new

Author:  Dagorlad [ Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:17 am ]
Post subject: 

The early editions are extremely difficult to find now. My GW store had two of the FOTR editions at the end of last year but they are gone I'm afraid (I bought one for me and sent the other one to one of BGBM's customers on Neil's behalf).

Author:  valpas [ Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I got the FotR compilation yesterday from Noble Knights Games, They buy and sell out of print games books, so they may get another copy some time. I apparently got the last. :) But might be worth checking their stock every now and then.

-- Pasi

Author:  thewhitewizard [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Contents of "Best of White Dwarf" Compilations

really helpful list, i've been buying lotr specific white dwarf mags, thank you

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