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 Post subject: It's ZOMBIE TIME - Dead Walk Again - Zombie Skirmish Action
PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:44 am 
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Joined: Mon Feb 13, 2006 5:38 am
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Hi lads, whilst I was looking at Rev's tutorial for his Vault Wardens on his site, I stumbled upon his ATZ (Attack of the Zombies) battle reports. Needless to say after recently finishing COD4 (and having a simple amazing time playing it) I had a huge desire to get involved in this genre of gaming.

The free rulesets are plentiful, but the easiest to pick up and play with so far are Dead Walk Again which allows you to pit groups of human survivors against each other. At the moment its the only ruleset I've managed to read through, and it doesn't have any rules for unit cohesion as of yet. It means it plays in the way of LoTR (probably a good thing for a newby like me :lol: ) as it is a skirmish game as well.

My question to all of you is:

1.Has anyone else got some rulesets that would work well?
2. Which manufacturers are you using for your victims and zombies? (At the moment I'm looking at Foundry, Hasslefree, Old Glory, GW, and Black Scorpion - but I'm still looking for scale comparisons for BS)
3. What do you use as terrain?

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:29 am 

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You know, I was googling Zombie games and I found this... figured I'd check here to see if anyone else played.

I couldn't really find any scenarios or campaigns, so I've begun writing my own. I have two scenarios done so far, but no character profiles or anything. I haven't played a game of it yet either, as the people that would play this with me live 3 1/2 hours from my school. I'm heading home after finals in a coupla weeks, so by the end of May, I should have my campaign finished and I could post it if you'd like.

I believe that for the first time we play, it's just going to be on a poster board and either have a lot of paper with the terrain on it (buildings and such drawn on, but downed light poles, mail boxes, etc. will be random objects placed on the board) or we will just have several different poster boards, one for each scenario.

My basic board size is 60cm by 60cm. As for models, right now, we're probably just going to use our LOTR models (Uruks for zombies; Corsairs, Rohan, Gondor units for humans). However, Old Glory looked like they had some good ones and Hasslefree did as well.

And actually, if anyone wants, I could post the two scenarios that I have done so far.

But, uhhh, what have you done or found about this so far?
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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 3:32 am 
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Hey mate :) Good to see that there's some interest in the zombie genre of wargaming!

Unfortunately I haven't been able to get into it very much as of yet as uni has impacted on time management severly. 2nd year is much, much harder than 1st year :(

On a lighter note in terms of mini's and places that you could visit in order to get some more information about the whole genre is plentiful.

Some good links to get you started: ... mbies.html ... 3df9c93db9 ... _range=USM

You could also use GW zombies as an alternative, and there are a few ways that you can modify cadian plastics in order to get that SWAT look.

As you can see, I've only really gotten as far as trying to find out what minis I'm going to use, although I'd love to see your progress on that campaign your making up :) If I have some spare time I'll do some brain storming and see what I can come up with as well.

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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:14 am 
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Where can i download the rules?????

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 5:10 am 
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You may want to look for Shock Shock Horror Horror as well, and ATZ, although I think you may have to pay for that.
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:44 pm 
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Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:46 pm
Posts: 42
Thanks Haldir im going to run through a human vs human battle today & count falls as 1 wound instants as 3
Would be wsome if some scenarios were posted
This is a bit o subject but reminded me of I am legend
Cheers maskrider

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2008 1:14 am 

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Well, seems there are some requests for scenarios... thus far I have the first two for my campaign done (stupid college, finals especially, cutting into my time).

I'll go ahead and post 'em up here. Now, I don't have any character profiles done either, but you can make them have what you want, and most of the names, especially of the town, are subject to change. :D Anyways, here we go (kinda going for a humorous theme too).

Welcome to the world of Dead Walk Again. Today, we will follow the story of a lone army unit, The Fighting Walruses, sent to investigate the desolate town of Badgerville. Here is their tale, piece by piece.

Scenario 1: The Scouts
As they always do, The Fighting Walruses sent their scouts, Jim, Mike, Tommy, and Brett, into the town first. They move forward, following the road, until they hit an intersection. As they approach the intersection, two figures appear around the corner. The scouts yell for them to identify themselves. The two figures only moan and stumble towards them. The scouts tell the figures that they will open fire. Still, the two figures only moan and stumble forward. The scouts fire a few shots each into the bodies of the figures. They keep moving forward. The scouts unload their rifles, eventually taking them down. However, the sound of the gunfire has attracted more of these “people.” The scouts notice that they are coming from all directions. Their way back being blocked, they decide the only place left to go is forward.

Participants: Humans- Jim, Mike, Tommy, Brett
Zombies- 15 Zombies

Layout: A 60cm x 60cm (24” x 24”) board. There should be an intersection of two roads in the center of the board. The road should be surrounded by buildings that can have at least two entrances. Buildings on the corner should have an entrance to both sides of the streets. Buildings may have more than one room (a stockroom for a store, bedroom for a house, etc.).

Starting positions: The scouts should start 20 cm from one board edge. 8 zombies should be placed on the board edge that the scouts entered from. The other 7 should be placed at random on the streets, but no closer than 15 cm from the scouts.

Objectives: The scouts need to make their way to the opposite board edge they entered from.
The zombies need to kill all of the scouts.


Scenario 2: Meet the Survivors
The outbreak was so sudden, spreading across Badgerville without warning, that only a few were able to escape the zombies. Among them were Shaun, Liz, Ed, Dianne, and David. They were able to reach the town pub before being completely surrounded by zombies. Thankfully, the town pub was owned by an ex-member of the mafia and there were weapons for the survivors inside.

Participants: Humans- Shaun, Liz, Ed, Dianne, David, and any survivors from scenario 1.
Zombies- 15 zombies

Layout: A 60cm x 60cm board with a building that lays 40cm x 50cm on the board. There is a 5cm door in the center of one 50cm side and a 3cm door on the opposite. There is a bar counter that goes 30cm and is 5 cm from the back wall with the 3 cm door. Windows can be placed randomly throughout the building. The area surrounding the building should be either a parking lot or a road with minimal obstacles.

Starting positions: The humans can start anywhere inside the pub. The zombies are placed at random outside the pub.

Objectives: The humans need to hold out for 15 turns.
The zombies need to kill all of the humans.

Special Rules
The Scouts: At the start of the 10th turn, roll a d6. On a result of a 5+, the Scouts arrive. On the 11th turn, if the Scouts have not arrived, add 1 to the die roll. Continue adding one each turn until the Scouts have arrived. The Scouts are placed on the board edge near the back of the pub.
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 Post subject: Re: It's ZOMBIE TIME - Dead Walk Again - Zombie Skirmish Act
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:52 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:26 pm
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Haldir_Strikes wrote:
2. Which manufacturers are you using for your victims and zombies? (At the moment I'm looking at Foundry, Hasslefree, Old Glory, GW, and Black Scorpion - but I'm still looking for scale comparisons for BS)

here be zombies

Haldir_Strikes wrote:
3. What do you use as terrain?

Here be terrain


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