O, I like houserules. So, I will give my 2 cents.
1. I like the idea. I thought they made a few more in another isue... But maybe I'm wrong... You can always make more versions of it, maybe also some that are only possible by certain units/armies. I know one of them was shooting before the fight even started (with unlimited range I think), for the good side. Maybe that one may only be used by elves and the rangers of the north. And another I remember was 'stubborn' I think, about not having to back away for one turn and also not being trapped. That can be used for dwarves and maybe minas tirith (shieldwall units). But you have to make a lot of more of them to give it more variation. It's not fun if the same rules always are used and also it has to be balanced...
Another think to think about with this is letting 'bigger' heroes (legend/valour) be worth more strategy points and minor and independent none. So 2 for every legend/valour, 1 for every fortitude, or even 4 for legends, 3 for valour, 2 for fortitude and 1 for minor heroes. But then the cost of the special rules have to cost more, you have to try it out a lot to balance it out I think. But I like the idea very very much, it could give some extra to the game.
2. That's nice. I'm working on some table for determining where the battle take place in battle companies. So rolling once for which scenario to play and another one to know if you play in some small village, a forest, mountains, hills or even special places, like goblin town or lake town. I'm still working on.
But it's a 2D6 roll with 'normal' places in the middle, like a 7 is just a flat landscape with a few trees, maybe a few small hills (so not totaly flat after all) and a farm, nothing special, but when you roll 2,3, 11 or 12 you will roll again on the 'speciale places' table.
You can use that idea also for the weather, like a 2D6 roll, with something like this (I don't know the stuff in isue 65 exactly, just an idea, but I remember reading it long time ago):
2: ice/blizard storm
3: 'normal' storm (heavy rain and heavy wind)
4: heavy wind
5: heavy rain
6, 7, 8: normal weather
10: light rain
11: very cold, but no storm (water is frozen, it's only cold and you can walk on the water, with a little big of risc...)
12: sandstorm/desertstorm
3. I like the idea, it will help the wood elves a lot and also the heavy armoured elves. Maybe it's a bit to strong in a forest heavy board. I recently played (before corona...) against some elves and I played some mounted heroes in my BC and couldn't charge with the bonus, because of the difficult terrain and I had to come, because the bloody elven bows (literally...). So you have to make sure it's not to OP.
4. I don't think that will be fair. Elves almost don't have to roll against goblins... difference of 3, so when rolling a 3 is enough to auto-win. Let alone Gil-galad, with fight value 9, he don't even need to roll against about 60& of the warriors from the evil side I guess. I understand that it's tempting to let de fight value have more 'value', but I played a lot against elven armies lately, and it's 'secretly' already quite strong...
5. Hm, why not, why can a banner be picked up and a drum or horn not? Well, maybe not every model is musical enough... I would not pick it up in battle because of that... but in play, I would give it a try. Maybe it's because it's otherwise to strong, as in being to difficult to really destroy it. A banner gives -1 for the duel roll, a drum and horn not, I think, so maybe it's to easy to let that one 'flowing around'...?
Well, something to think about, right?
And if you have ideas for my 'where does the fight take place' table, let me know

I can post it soon, if it's a bit more filled (there are a lot of gaps right now).
Ooh, and I'm thinking about some new scenarios for BC. I will post them sometime soon. A few with a bridge (or more) in the middle, to fight for or sabotage and I want to make more 'we fight together' scenarios, like the warg attack.
I'm also thinking about recalculate the modelcount of warg attack, 24 is a lot of wargs for 2 new BC's, but it's not even scratching a well evolved BC, especially if it has some heavy armour... Maybe add some warg chieftains and certain point levels of the BC together.
Zorpazorp has some nices changed scenarios on his youtube channel somewhere, I hope he will making some more, saves me calculating it