The One Ring

House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights
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Author:  Thermo [ Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

Elfhelm, Marshall of the Eastmark (Man) 70pts

Elfhelm is Marshall of the Eastmark when the War of the Ring casts it's foul shadow upon the lands of Rohan. This mighty horselord leads his Eored against the foes of the Horse-Lords, riding them down with his heavily armoured beast with ferocity and vigour and striking woe to all enemies of the Rohirrim.

Move 6"
F 5/4+
S 4
D 7
A 2
W 2
C 4

M 3
W 1
F 2

Heavy armour, shield and lance

* Armoured Horse............................ 15points
* If your army includes Elfhelm, you can upgrade any number of Riders of Rohan to Lancers of Eastmark at a cost of +1 point per model. Lancers of Eastmark carry a lance instead of a bow.

Special Rules
Expert Rider. See main rules manual.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

I think he should have at least a point more courage... after all, he's one of the chappies who lad the charge against an insurmountable legion of orcs at minas tirith. and also perhaps another point of will maybe...

Other then that I think he's great. I especially like the lancers upgrade 8)

Author:  Thermo [ Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

Eohred Knights (Man) 20pts

Eohred Knights are an elite cadre of Rohan Royal Knights, nobles from across the Riddermark affording the very best equipment when the great muster of war is called. When these great and terrible lords charge across an open plain upon the enemy, there is no more awe inspiring a sight to be seen on any battle-field in Middle-earth.

Move 6"
F 4/4+
S 4
D 6
A 1
W 1
C 4

Heavy Armour, shield, armoured horse and a lance.

Special Rules
Expert Rider. See main rules manual

Author:  LordElrond [ Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

Surely if Eored knights is an upgrade for RoR, they should not have their own profile and should be 14, not 20 points

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

The knights look like a new profile to me, not an upgrade. I like the Elfhelm and Knight profiles. Not sure about the upgrade for the Lancers of Eastmark, they still have F3, which is what makes RoR (and KoMT for that matter) so frustrating to use.

Author:  LordElrond [ Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

Sorry, got mixed up between lancers and knights

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

Not sure about the lancers upgrade, it seems as if ElfHelm might become an auto include. IMO just to make ROR useable. But I can't think of any other upgrade that would work....perhaps something like Grimbold but for cavalry?

Author:  Thermo [ Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: House Rules - Elfhelm and Eohred Knights

Thanks for feedback everyone, I was just doing some Kingdoms of Men bedtime reading and thought I'd throw up some fantasy profiles.

I think it's clearly too easy to overpower custom heroes/units and I was quite keen instead to just bring something different to the Rohan list.

Elfhelm himself is effectively Erkenbrand, with an armoured horse, lance and an extra fate point, since he doesn't die. I didn't give him extra will or courage as I wanted there to be some continuity with similiar Rohan heroes. No reason he should be more courageous than either Grimbold or Erkenbrand, or have more will. None of the Rohirrim heroes have lances and the armoured horse is a nice touch. Anything else and I think he'd be overpowered or too expensive for the level of hero he should be... in my opinion!

Since Grimbold and Erkenbrand both have troop upgrade options, I wanted Elfhelm to have an upgrade option that would give Rohan players a bit of choice beyond the dead cert choices of Erkenbrand and Grimbold for their troop upgrade options.

Again, lances is something the Rohirrim lack, so it's just a different choice. If you gave the extra fight value, it's just the same upgrade as Erkenbrand, so again, this is just to give the rohan player a different option!

The idea behind Eohred Knights again is the idea that beyond Sons of Eorl there is no real had hitting cavalry option. Heavily armoured cavalry with lances, without the extra attack of sons of Eorl or the extra movement... so different enough to be a valid choice and ever so slightly cheaper too.

Appreciate all the feedback and look forward to more critique of my above reasoning!

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