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 Post subject: Grey Company and the Bow Limit
PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:53 pm 
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Greetings One Ringers! its a pleasure to be back on the site again after a brief hiatus. However, i'm now back and playing games at an alarming rate!

I have placed several calls with Games Workshop's Customer Service department over the past few weeks inquiring about the Grey Company Bow Limit rule. Lets see if i can break this down logically:

i'm taking 2 heroes, say Halbarad and Aragorn. Each of these characters is leading a band of 12 rangers of Arnor. My question was: How many Rangers of the North/Dunedain would be required to legally take this list. (yes there is a little grey area here)

Some state that i'd need 6 to field the list. But others make a case for 4. Why? Because the first 8 rangers are within the legal 33% bow parameters, thus only needing 4 rangers of the north to field the list.

I've called 3 different days over 3 different weeks and never spoke to the same person and each person went to ask for a second opinion before providing an answer.

And the answer was: One only needs to take Rangers/Dunedain for each 4 models above the bow limit.

Thoughts? Reactions?

Is this too RAI? I'm thinking i'll probably wait to do this in any tournament settings until an official FAQ is released... but what does the community think?
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 Post subject: Re: Grey Company and the Bow Limit
PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:11 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder
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I will direct you to this:


basically, taking Dunedain does not turn Rangers of Arnor into models without bows for purposes of Bow Limit, you either follow the rule completely, and take 100% Bows following the 1:4 ratio, or you don't follow it and 66% must be Warriors of Arnor.

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 Post subject: Re: Grey Company and the Bow Limit
PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:41 pm 
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thelordcal wrote:
Some state that i'd need 6 to field the list. But others make a case for 4. Why? Because the first 8 rangers are within the legal 33% bow parameters, thus only needing 4 rangers of the north to field the list.

Wow, some people will go to any lengths to invent and reinterpret something in their favour (talking about the "others", not you).

Nowhere does the rule say anything about excluding the first 33% of the rangers from your calculations. Nowhere does it say anything about accounting for the other 66%. If you want a 100% bow limit, you need 1 RotN or Dunedain for each 4 RoA, end of story.
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 Post subject: Re: Grey Company and the Bow Limit
PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2012 8:49 pm 
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Simply that. Excellent summaries- straight and to the point.

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 Post subject: Re: Grey Company and the Bow Limit
PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:07 pm 
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whafrog wrote:
thelordcal wrote:
Some state that i'd need 6 to field the list. But others make a case for 4. Why? Because the first 8 rangers are within the legal 33% bow parameters, thus only needing 4 rangers of the north to field the list.

Wow, some people will go to any lengths to invent and reinterpret something in their favour (talking about the "others", not you).

Nowhere does the rule say anything about excluding the first 33% of the rangers from your calculations. Nowhere does it say anything about accounting for the other 66%. If you want a 100% bow limit, you need 1 RotN or Dunedain for each 4 RoA, end of story.

My sentiments exactly. Its Game Night tonight here in town, hopefully we'll be able to meet as a club and explain how the rest of us feel about it.
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