The One Ring

[BCUpdate] Faction: Arnor
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Author:  Erunion [ Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  [BCUpdate] Faction: Arnor

Faction: Arnor, 1.0

A kingdom rivalling the glory of its southern sister, Gondor, the realm of Arnor was protected by disciplined and well-equipped soldiery. However, the strength of Arnor would waver under the relentless assault of Angmar’s ghoulish hordes. With only a handful of rangers and veteran guardsman, the people of Arnor fought on as their realm crumbled around them.

Starting Company
Dunedain (must be your Lieutenant)
Ranger of Arnor
6 Warriors of Arnor

Spear........................................................1 Inf.
Armor (Hero only).......................................1 Inf.
Horse (Hero only)........................................2 Inf.
Hobbit Signal Horn (Hobbit only)..................4 Inf.

Given the limited troop types in the armies of Arnor, there is no promotion table for this Faction. Models may be promoted to Heroes as normal.

Reinforcements (D6)
1 -- No Reinforcement
2-4 -- Warrior of Arnor
5 -- Ranger of Arnor
6 -- Hobbit Archer

Special Rules
Hold firm, Men of Arnor! -- Once per game, the hero may declare that he is “holding firm.” Whenever he does so, he and all friendly warriors within 12” will automatically pass Courage tests as long as the hero remains stationary during his Move phase. If the hero moves, then the ability ceases to work.

Master of Ambush -- In scenarios where the player can roll for additional forces to arrive (such as those that use the Reinforcements rule) he receives a +1 bonus to the dice rolls if the Hero is on the board. If the Hero is not on the board and is waiting to arrive as reinforcements, he may only apply this bonus to his own roll to arrive.

** A note about Arnor Battle Companies **
Each Arnor Battle Company is led by one of the Dunedain, the last remnants of Arnor’s noble houses. The Dunedain must be the Lieutenant of the company, and is considered to have a base points cost of 9 points before factoring in his Might/Will/Fate points.


This one is entirely from scratch as there had not been an Arnor Battle Company before. As always, any comments/criticism are welcome.

Author:  Pindergorn [ Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [BCUpdate] Faction: Arnor

I have a few questions about this Company.

Because the Dunedain (which must be the Lieutentant) is already a Hero with 1 Might, Will and Fate already, does that mean you skip this step:

Then choose three warriors to be your Heroes. One will be referred to as the Lieutenant and the other two Sergeants. Add one point each of Might, WIll, and Fate to the profile of the Lieutenant.

Or do you disregard the standard 1 M/W/F and regard the model as 9pts base. Then add +1 M/W/F? Giving +1 M/W/F to a model which already has 1 M/W/F would be rather illogical.

Also, because Dunedain already have S4 in their base profile, they could end up S5 if they roll the Strength/Defence result and the player chooses Strength.

2 — Strength/Defense. The Hero’s Strength or Defense is increased. Each my be improved once.

Is this intentional?

I ask now, because I might be trying out this Battle Company this thursday.

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