The One Ring

Who is better
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Author:  batman4pres [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Who is better

Who is better Glorfindel on foot or the tow monkey twins on foot.

Author:  General Haar [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Another "Who is better" topic?
I'm not attacking you here, but really, you can't do a topic like this. It won't work. It's all situational.

If you want more might, and someone to guard the flanks, then get the twins. If you're looking for that ever-important F7 and a solid hero, go for Glorfindel. He's also not going to go crazy if someone else dies. That really does hurt the Twins. If you're confident that you can keep both Twins alive, then they're more than worth their points.

My personal preference is Glorfindel, LotW, though I like the Twins, too.

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Twins! They are effectively 70 points each, with a Fight 6, strength 4, high courage and a number of offensive or defensive attacks. Glorfindel is good if you are facing trolls but I'd rather pick twins in a tournament

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Well if I'd take to consideration how they play on the field...

most enemies don't even have FV of 6 nor 7. And you get 6 mights!!!!!
also twins are able to kill like 6 orcs in a row Glorfindel can't...
Though the LotW is Resitant to magic making him a very hardy opponent to face and yes his FV of 7 is almost the best what evil could throw around... and twins do have heir own set back :shock: :rofl:

Author:  Flame-Of-The-West [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

What is the special rule the twins have again? I cant remember for some reason :roll:

Author:  Arabog [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

It depend a lot of the sort of scenario's for a tournament, need you two heroes or just one very strong hero. And it depends of the rest of your army, how many points and how many other heroes or in it. And the opponent and your tactic against him.

If it is for the same army as on TLA, 1500 points against mordor with 2 Trolls i would take Glorfindel. He is also magic resistant against the two ringwraiths.

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who is better

batman4pres wrote:
Who is better Glorfindel on foot or the tow monkey twins on foot.

All "who is better" questions are doomed... :)

If I'm facing the Spider Queen, a Moria Troll, or more than two Cave Trolls, Glorfindel is better since he has a much better chance of winning fights. And I never want to lose a fight to the Spider Queen when she charges.

But the monkey twins are *great* for most other situations.

Author:  Talking Troll [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

What in the name of.... are the Monkey Twins.
I really know many, many models, but this name I have never heard or seen. Please give me some explanation.

Thank you.

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

its not a brilliant question but ill give as gooder answer as i can

Glorfindel has a higher fight value of 7!! which can beat trolls, and is resistant to magic!! so hees a brilliant hero tackeler

Ell 'n' El are horde tackerers

so neither is 'better' it really depends on what you whant to do

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Monkey Twins are the sons of Elrond :rofl: Elladan and Elrohir...

and theur special rules is that if one of them dies then the other goes besererk... and statrs chargind the closest model but first he will try to kill the model that killed his brother and also ther is some chance in stats as wella dn some restrictions... :shock: :rofl:

Author:  theblackcaptain [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:16 am ]
Post subject: 

In this day of the ringwraith I personally find Glorfindel to be an amazing choice...resistance to magic should not be underestimated, it really makes a huge difference against spellcasters. His fight value of 7 and the ability to cause terror are also definitely important to remember. Terror is very useful against low courage models and can leave him free to get to grips with that pesky spellcaster

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:38 am ]
Post subject: 

True but 6 mights and 6 attacks are a remarcable thing on boeard indeed though with a "little eeny maainy set back" :wink:

Author:  theblackcaptain [ Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:
True but 6 mights and 6 attacks are a remarcable thing on boeard indeed though with a "little eeny maainy set back" :wink:

yes...they both have their merits in certain circumstances. I like them both personally thought I definitely like the glorfindel model better. I think they both earn their points in different ways

Author:  batman4pres [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  E

when it is said glorfindel lotw is resistant to magic do they mean he is flat out resistant and he can't be targeted by magic or is it like the rule for hobbits where they can roll to resist withiut using will

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

His like a little pseky hobbit :rofl: exept that he is no hobbit and his no little and yes the saim rule for him as for the hobbits...

The only things resistant to magic are:
-All hobbits
-The Balrog
-Glorfindel, LotW

if there are any other that I have forgotten please remind me and ofc. my apologize :rofl:

Author:  General Haar [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Resistant to Magic is a rule defined in the ORB I think. It's the same across the board for all models with Resistant to Magic.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:
The only things resistant to magic are:
-All hobbits
-The Balrog
-Glorfindel, LotW

Note that's Glorfindel - LotW (as described in the Fall of the Necromancer supplement). The standard Glorfindel is not magic resistant.

Author:  batman4pres [ Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  srry

Srry if you have been totally mistaen but I mean LotW. My mistake. i am so so sorry.

Author:  theharadkight [ Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

well whos better... monkey twins or glorfindel... theres only one way to find out... FIGHT!!!!!!

sorry too much tv burp but id say ''monkey twins'' because theres two of them and there monkeys.

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