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 Post subject: Load up the Nazgul training...
PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:27 pm 
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You see a Nazgul, you do what we do....Run!! :P :)

Let's see what's everybody's strategy to face a Nazgul?

As their have been lots of Nazguls around lately, so you can concentrate your post on normal or named, foot or mounted as you wish, just make it clear in the post.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:36 pm 

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Either shoot, or take them out in combat with a big hero with lots of will :p I love killing magic people (and using them)
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:56 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Haven't really faced any of them...

(Saruman though is the diffrent story)

I'd say (as I use Strider very often)
1.charge the first line-
2.use heroic fight
3.kill 2 shieldmen
4.then charge into the 2 spearmen
5.kill them
6.get the priority or use the free might on heroic move
7. charge the nazgyl /magic casting dude etc.
8. kill him :wink:

That's how I deal with them though is aint always so easy...
But as long as you stay out of the line of sight(of the Nazgyl)----- it's O.K

Oh and always try to shoot their mount/steed reduces their magical abilities very much... :roll:

I am the Mouth of Sauron, here him speak'
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Gandalf is an anti-nazgul machine, so is Aragorn!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:01 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I would say that Nazgyl are anti Gandalf...

"Sap will" ? Rings a bell?
"Your staff is broken"?

All that gandalf could do is just use transfix or compel...well maybe sorceros blast...

I am the Mouth of Sauron, here him speak'
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:06 pm 
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Beat Nazgul with Nazgul... The first one that does a good sap will, wins :D

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:16 pm 
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Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:

I would say that Nazgyl are anti Gandalf...

"Sap will" ? Rings a bell?
"Your staff is broken"?

All that gandalf could do is just use transfix or compel...well maybe sorceros blast...

Well, only the WK has "Your Staff is Broken" and really he shouldn't. Stupid Peter Jackson being a jerk... :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:00 pm 
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Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:

I would say that Nazgyl are anti Gandalf...

"Sap will" ? Rings a bell?
"Your staff is broken"?

All that gandalf could do is just use transfix or compel...well maybe sorceros blast...

I am not that experienced with Magic but in my humble opinion, It may be cripling to Gandalf, but not deadly. He still has his free will unless I'm mistaken. Weak but working.

And isn't it the same with Aragorn. Sap will -> Black Dart, couple of turns and Aragorn could be down (with some Might assistance if needed). Harder but possible. Oh, and keep Nazgul at leat 7" away from Aragorn or nearest friend Aragorn can reach too ( :) @ Mouth-of-Sauron)
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:37 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Anything is possible...

Might as well then forget about the Nazgyl and then wehen You feel that the time is right do a couple of heroic fights and moves (with any hero) and charge them...

The inly way I see How gandalf can beat them is Mounting him on Gwaihir...In that case ofcourse he would like kill them outright in one turn or sooo... :wink:

I am the Mouth of Sauron, here him speak'
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:51 pm 
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How would you beat him?
Answer: With a stick, in his sleep.
Oh, wait! The Nine don't sleep! Dang!

I've never been foolish enough to face the Nazgul in battle, so I'm going to propose an unorthodox tactic: Hobbits. Swarm him with a bunch of hobbits. Their magic resistance rule will hamper his greatest strength. And GW made their Nazgul pretty poor at fighting hand-to-hand, so the hobbits won't surrender much there.
And they'll make it back up with sheer numbers. :twisted:

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:21 pm 

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MuslimRohirrim wrote:
Mouth-of-Sauron wrote:

I would say that Nazgyl are anti Gandalf...

"Sap will" ? Rings a bell?
"Your staff is broken"?

All that gandalf could do is just use transfix or compel...well maybe sorceros blast...

I am not that experienced with Magic but in my humble opinion, It may be cripling to Gandalf, but not deadly. He still has his free will unless I'm mistaken. Weak but working.

I believe that the staff gives him the free will-with the staff broken, and will sapped, no will for Gandalf :P

And anything that is resistant to magic is good against the Nazgul, not amazing, but good.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:14 pm 
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AndrewTheLordOfTheRing wrote:
I believe that the staff gives him the free will-with the staff broken, and will sapped, no will for Gandalf :P

You're right, I had to be more specific. I meant against Sap Will as only the witch-king knows the staff trick as noted above but not the other Nazguls.

Hobbits idea may be working, but they have to catch him first which with their 4"/10cm movement, that'll be hard maneuver to pull off specially if the Nazgul is mounted.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:28 pm 
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They're a combat monster's worst nightmare, really. I've taken down Aragorn with one and had Shagrat taken down by one. Once their 3 Will are gone and I still have 8 or 10 then it's over. I honestly haven't found a way to bring one down with any degree of success, as most good opponents keep them behind at least 1 or 2 lines of troops.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:53 am 

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shoot them, hope the guy/girl your playing is using a normal RW and hasn't given them any fate :P
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:49 pm 
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Cavalry make short work of them, so long as you can flank round the opposing swarm of orcs or what not. 2 ordinary knights could kill a Nazgul in one turn. Usually a mounted hero is better suited to the task however your opponent will be more aware of his presence and probaby use spells to slow you down.

If you only have warriors on foot then you're in a for a long battle. Shooting them rarely works as they are screened by at least 2 lines of infantry (usually). Rather than hatch up a plan for killing a Wraith, I tend to look for weaknesses in my opponents line or strategy and either exploit it or lead him to believe I'm exploiting it, and whilst he isn't watching, stab him in the back!

(not literally)


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:42 pm 

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lorderkenbrand wrote:

(not literally)


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