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Are these profiles any good?
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 Post subject: Future of Middle Earth (Made up profiles for it)
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:53 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:05 pm
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Location: Mich, USA

Gilren, Ranger
4/3+ 3 3 2 1 4 1 2 1

Wargear: Elven Daggers, Elf Bow, Forest Cloak (Elven Cloak)
Points: 45

Eagle Eye: Gilren has spent many years among the trunks and leaves of the forests. To represent his training with his bow, he may re-roll one to-hit per turn.

Duel Blades: In the years that he has spent in the woods of the north, Gilren has not only honed his skill with a bow. He has mastered the art of fighting with 2 short blades. As such, when fighting in close combat, Gilren counts as having 3 attacks instead of 2.

Tantholai, Lord
6/- 4 7 3 3 6 3 3 3

Wargear: Elven Blade, Elven Armor (Mithril)
Points: 135

Honor of the Elders: Tanthalas is of the Firstborn, the oldest of the elves. His knowledge of the past and his undying loyalty to his house allows him to bestow his knowledge upon others. As such, Tanthalas may spend one Will point to fully restore an allies Courage, Might or Will to its starting value. In order to use this Special Rule, he must be within 3” of the target, and not perform any action other than movement.

Royalty: Tanthalas is an elf of high standing within the North. His noble bearing and honest mind earns him the respect of all who come in contact with him. To represent this in gaming turns, Tanthalas’ “Stand Fast” rule is doubled to 12”.

Halorin, Noble
5/- 4 6 2 2 5 2 2*1 2

Wargear: Rain, Shield, Armor
Points: 100

*Family Honor: Halorin is one of the many Lords of Men. His family has stood against the foul beings of the north for many years and it has now come down to him as the last of this line. Though he is the last of his family, his devotion to his family and to the North has earned him a place in the Annals of Fornost, a feat no other man of his family has achieved. As such, Halorin may spend one free point of Will per turn without using his pool.

Rain: the Storm, the Sliver. Both of these names have been given to this sword over its vast and undefined life. Cast in the mold of an ancient blade and made with mithril. To its enemies it means certain painful death. To its bearer, prowess with no match. Halorin has come by this blade from an unknown source, yet it has proven to be a valuable tool in the defense of his house. When Halorin wields this blade, none matches his sword skill. To represent this in gaming terms, Halorin may re-roll all to to-hit and to-wound rolls.

Imrius, Warrior
5/- 4 6 2 2 4 2 0 1

Wargear: Spear, Heavy Armor
Points: 60

Training: Imrius Stoutfist, a devout Warrior of the north, has fought in many wars across the north. Each fight, his skill and knowledge increase. His chosen weapon, the spear, has served him well and he is without match in its use. To represent this in gaming terms, if Imrius kills an enemy hero in the game, he may choose to increase one of the following by one for the remainder of the match: Fight, Attack or Might. Note: This rule only affects the first hero he kills.

Warrior’s Code: As told by the house of Stoutfist, all those who wish to be a devout must take the Oath of the Weak. Through this oath, Imrius is sworn to protect those who cannot do so themselves. To represent this in gaming terms, if another hero within 3” of Imrius takes a wound, he may choose instead to take it upon himself.

Earin, Woodsman
3/3+ 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 1

Wargear: Sword, Bow, Forest Cloak (Elven Cloak)
Points: 45

Woodsman’s Herbs: A man who left the dwellings of the “civilized” world at a young age, Earin knows the woods of the north better than any bar the elves. He has mastered the ability to live off the land and the land alone. He knows of many herbs both with healing and damaging properties. To represent this in gaming terms, Earin may use his herbs once per turn for either of the following actions; Athelas: one wound is recovered to the target. Damaeg: the target may not use his/her fate this turn. Both actions require Earin to be in base contact and he may not do any other action than move in the same turn.

Companion: Wandering the woods alone for many years can take its toll on anyone’s sanity. Earin however has found a way to counteract this, a companion. Fang, a young wolf Earin found when it was just a pup. This companion will follow Earin everywhere, even into battle. Huwl moves 8” and always uses Earins courage while he is alive and on the battlefield. Huwl has the following profile.

Huwl, Earin’s Companion
3/- 3 3 1 1 2
Wargear: Teeth and Claws

Penril, Thief
2/3+ 2 3 1 1 3 0 1 1

Wargear: Dagger, Throwing Stones
Points: 20

Halfling’s Respect: As a hobbit, Penril is tolerated but not respected among the other races. Not because of his sly wit or his crude tricks but because of his stature. Standing only 3’ 6” tall he is short and considered by others only to be a child. To represent this in gaming terms, no other unit or hero of another race may use Penril’s “Stand Fast!” rule or Heroic Actions.

Thief’s Guise: Being a hobbit, Penril is exceptionally good at avoiding others when he wants. Using this to his advantage, Penril has been known to pick pocket others and in the extreme circumstance, defend himself with a well-placed dagger. To represent this in gaming terms, Penril always counts as having a Forest Cloak. In addition, when in combat he has a +1 to wound using his dagger.

Jaegin, Warrior
3/- 2 4 1 1 4 1 2 2

Wargear: Shortsword, Armor
Points: 40

Halfling’s Respect: As a hobbit, Jaegin is tolerated but not respected among the other races. His diminished stature, in the eyes of others, shows him as a weakling and nothing more than a child. Although he is a warrior among his own kind, he is still but a squire to men, elves and even dwarves of the world. To represent this in gaming terms, no other unit or hero of another race may use Jaegin’s “Stand Fast” rule or Heroic Actions.

Code of the Small: “Tolerate the others for their blindness for they see not what is below them in stature, only what they thirst to attain. This code represents the belief by which Jaegin and all other hobbit warrior’s regard the other races of the world. He follows this to the letter, never letting the taunts and remarks of the “large” ones get to him. To represent this in gaming terms, Jaegin may offer Advice to any allied hero once per turn. It functions exactly like a magical power, succeeding on the roll of a 5+. Advice has the following property: The target hero has heeded the words of Jaegin and may choose one of the following benefits. A) One point of Will is added to the heroes store. B) One point of Courage is added to the heroes profile. Both benefits last for the remainder of the match. Note: This does not mean the hero gets a free point of Will per turn, simply that he gets one added to use; i.e. If a hero starts with 0 will he now has 1 to use as the player chooses.

Any and all advice is welcome. My friends and i are making a small campaign to use these in and i would like some input outside of them.


"You cannot pass, I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass." -Gandalf the Grey
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:03 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:14 pm
Posts: 544
First one-seems strange 1 wound and 3 atakcs?...(Gilren)
Second one-is good...(Tantholai)
Third-rather good one and interesting too...(Halorin)
Fourt-relly good I probably like hime the most...(Imrius)
Sixt-very interesting(Penril)
Seventh-GOOD ONE(Jaegin)

Mostly very good and logical charcters only the first one is strange...
Very good rules for th Hobbits...
Imrius-a noble warrior :roll: very much like him...

I am the Mouth of Sauron, here him speak'
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