Hello Mugqito,
Nice to hear you've started with battle companies.
It's a relative easy way to learn the rules and I like the 'D&D-ish' leveling of the models.
There is also a subpage for battle companies, where you can ask everything about this specific game-style. But I guess it's allowed to ask them here

As answer on question 1: they always start with the might/will/fate they had (1/1//1 at the beginning, but more if they level up and gain some). As with wounds, they are healed between the games (unless you roll a '2' on the hero injury chart).
2: I think only by dying... It's weird that they can (almost, at least for the evil side, which don't have the chance to pay for elvish waybread) only recover from old wounds by dying. This is also true for fate points. Only by rolling a '12' on the hero injury chart, as far as I know. I think the makers of battle companies did that because it would be difficult to get fate points otherwise...