The One Ring

Starting first army and questions
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Author:  Jezus96 [ Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Starting first army and questions

Hi, I wanted to start my first army, but I don't know which should I choose.
I always liked the dwarfs most and was thinking about iron hills but they are kind of expensive and from what i undestood from rulebook i can't ally them with khazad-dum which are much cheaper.
At this point I don't know how to start.

I was thinking about choosing Lothlorien or Mirkwood instead of iron hills because it would be cheaper.
But here comes the question: Can I use armies from Hobbit and Lotr in one game, like Lothlorien and iron hills as allies ?

As for evil faction I guess i will choose Isengard, because I read on this forum that they are good starter for new players.

Another question what would you recommend buying first, in what order ?
What should I choose for good faction ?

I would appreciate any advice.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting first army and questions

The alliance rules at present do not prevent you from allying any good army with any other good army or any evil army with any other evil army. Certain force mixing is discouraged but some armies, like Khazad-Dum, do not suffer very much from it on the whole. Still, the dwarven kingdoms are all so similar that having more than one would be a bit redundant in terms of making the game more interesting to play. You can freely intermix the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings era armies though. One of the points of the Middle Earth rebranding was to make the two more inline with each other.

As for choosing a starting army I think that what matters most is that you pick an army you like the look of and will enjoy painting and playing. I think armies with higher defense tend to be more forgiving of mistakes so dwarves and Isengard are good places to start. Iron Hills are a small model count army which means you would not need to buy that many of them in total but the price is likely to steep for a buy in.

If you start with Isengard, I would suggest buying a box of warriors, a box of scouts, a command team, Lurtz, and two packs of crossbows. That will should be a good collection to build some starting lists from and to then fill out with other heroes and such as you go.

As for a good army, I don't know. What are your thoughts on Khazad-dum and Erebor? Any reason you like Mirkwood and Lorien?

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting first army and questions

Jezus96 wrote:
Hi, I wanted to start my first army, but I don't know which should I choose.
I always liked the dwarfs most and was thinking about iron hills but they are kind of expensive and from what i undestood from rulebook i can't ally them with khazad-dum which are much cheaper.
At this point I don't know how to start.

I was thinking about choosing Lothlorien or Mirkwood instead of iron hills because it would be cheaper.
But here comes the question: Can I use armies from Hobbit and Lotr in one game, like Lothlorien and iron hills as allies ?

As for evil faction I guess i will choose Isengard, because I read on this forum that they are good starter for new players.

Another question what would you recommend buying first, in what order ?
What should I choose for good faction ?

I would appreciate any advice.

So you will need the complete alliance matrix. It includes the hobbit and lotr armies. Iron Hills and Loth Lorien are convenient allies, so no army bonuses but no penalties.

Mordor hordes with a few riders and Gorbag always runs nice.

Type Number Unit Additional Wargear
Leader 1 Gorbag shield
Warrior 6 Orc shield
Warrior 6 Orc spear.
Warrior 3 Orc 2 handed
Total: 16
Captain 1 Orc Captain none
Warrior 5 Orc shield
Warrior 5 Orc spear
Warrior 2 Orc 2 handed
Total: 13 117pts
Captain 1 Orc Captain none
Warrior 5 Orc shield
Warrior 5 Orc spear
Warrior 2 Orc 2 handed
Total: 13 117pts
Captain 1 Orc Captain shield, warg
Cavalry 2 Warg Rider spear, bow.
Cavalry 2 Warg Rider spear.
Total: 5 115pts

This army has taken down cavalry, heroes, etc. Gorbag can be a beast, too.

Author:  Jezus96 [ Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting first army and questions

Thanks for help

Now I am split between choosing a Khazad dum or mix of erebor with thranduil.
What would you suggest buying for each ?

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting first army and questions

For Khazad-dum you'll want to buy a box of warriors, a command team, and two blisters of Khazad guard perhaps even three. The Durin and Mardin pack is another first buy but they seem to be out of stock just now. Thank should be enough to start with. You can expand into the other specialist units should you choose to grow out the army.

For Erebor and Mirkwood I would recommend a box of warriors from Erebor and a Mirkwood warband to start with. The tricky part is the heroes. Most of them seem to be getting reboxed at the moment but you've got a good chance of finding them secondhand through ebay. Thror or Thrain would be good for Erebor and either the Legolas and Tauriel blister from GW or a Legolas from lotr era will work for Mirkwood.

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Thu Jan 03, 2019 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starting first army and questions

I am fielding Khazad-Dum, but Captains are essentially just a paint difference with a cape, so I am actually just converting them and buying an extra warrior set. Balistae is a must-have, as is Durin and at least 1 vault warden team. Some Hearthguard if you feel like it, too.

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