The One Ring

Newb Looking to Try Dwarves
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Author:  BrorkBonegut [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Newb Looking to Try Dwarves

Hey everyone,
I'm a longtime LOTR fan looking to try the SBG. The army I'm looking at is Dwarves (Either Durin's Folk or Iron Hills) and I was wondering which units (if any) are "staples", which is to say, units that are almost always worth inclusion. This includes Heroes and the troops they lead.
Thanks in advance,

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Newb Looking to Try Dwarves

Well, neither army really has a whole lot of options when it comes to troops. I would say that the basic warrior is the stable of both lists. The Dwarf Warrior with shield is the model you'll want to go with for the Durin's Folk. Followed by the Warrior with bow and then the Khazad Guard, which are just all around great. For the Iron Hills you'll want the Iron Hill Dwarf Warrior with shield and spear and probably a few with mattocks too. The goats and war machines are more situational or to your taste.

For heroes Durin's Folk has Balin, son of Fundin and Gimli as solid choices but their captains and Floi Stonehand are always worth considering too. The Iron Hills has Dain, captains, and that's it, unless you go to Erebor Reclaimed. I would always try to bring Dain even on foot but with the right balance of support you might, might, be able to replace his effects.

In short invest in basic warriors and heroes from the films, they are always worth having around. Hope this helps some.

Author:  Scib [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Newb Looking to Try Dwarves

I have just started using Iron Hills, from my experience so far Erebor Reclaimed seems the way to go. If you take Thorin he counts as a 6" banner, combined with tough troops it makes a good core to start your army with.

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