The One Ring

*sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios
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Author:  Raggbur [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  *sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios

Hi Everyone,

I don't think I can count myself as a beginner, but here's a question I've been sitting with:

Me & Garmenhord will perhaps be having a little SBG game this friday, but neither of us has the new books. I think we both have a pretty good idea of our armies & warbands etc.

But can anyone briefly describe how the new scenarios work? I haven't played a non-scenario game *insert Treebeard accent* in a long time.

Thanks in Advance

ps @ Mods: feel free to close this thread if you think it's not appropriate. It's not asking for rules or profiles, but...

Author:  ScarpeIron [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: *sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios

2 major changes: 1) random starting positions and 2) victory points (instead of major/minor victories).

The 1st is based on a d6 rolled for each warband. Resulting in possibly 1 band to setup w/i an area from the middle of the board back 12" and another band setting up w/i 12" from the table edge and even another band setting up anywhere in the deployment area. It results in quicker engagements. Then there are some that have a random table edge/point of entry for each band.

The victory conditions are setup on point tallies. 1pt for "x", 1pt for "y", 3pts for "z". All depends on the individual scenario.

Also some of the LoME scenarios have been tweaked (for which there are only 2), named changed, etc. Contest of Champions is now Lords of Battle with a tweak; the tweak is that if a hero in a fight that has killed an opposing hero then the winning hero regains a expended might point. For another one the reinforcement rolls are changed from a "3-4= x", its now that each # represents a event.

Just an FYI; some of the more interesting scenarios from LoME aren't in the new books and every new book has the exact same scenarios in them.

So other than the randomn deployment, VP and the 2 tweaks...they're the same as the ones in LoME.

Author:  Raggbur [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: *sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios

Alright... Just some questions:
1. Do you roll for deployment & then pick a warband or visa versa... Could it e.g. happend that my spear support warband ends up on the other side of the table than the the warriors they're supposed to support?

2; Could you explain the reinforcements perhaps a bit more?

Author:  whafrog [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: *sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios

1. vice versa. This is where independent heroes are useful, it lets you deploy them first and react to your opponent's larger warbands.
2. don't have my books atm.

Author:  simmuskhan [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: *sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios

I've got my books, but don't know how much to say before I've breached the rules?

Author:  ScarpeIron [ Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: *sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios

In the new books there is only 1 scenario that requires warbands to come on as random (reinforcements is how the book and LoME describes it). Just like in LoME Take-and-Hold you have to roll to see if the band comes on. The difference is that each # now represents how the band comes on. In LoME they grouped # (1-2, 3-4, 5-6). Is there a huge difference from the old to the new???? ...nope. They just took more control and stated that on "xii" your opponent chooses which side your band comes on....and on a "xiii" your opponent chooses which top or bottom they come on. On, oh lets say, a roll of "8" you choose which band comes on to the sides and ...hmmm.... a roll of "10" you choose either the top or bottom to have your band come on. On a 6 you can place your band on any table edge and on a "single dot" they don't come on.


Author:  Raggbur [ Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: *sigh* Guess this has been asked before: Scenarios

Alright everyone, thanks! I think I've got a rough idea of it now, and we can of course always check in the store...

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