The One Ring

Grey Company
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Author:  Azrael [ Sun May 30, 2010 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Grey Company

Grey company have special rule wheres so long as they only include 4 Rangers of the Arnor per Rangers of the North. The army can ignore the 33% bow rule.

So does it matter whether thos 4 ranger of arnor have a bow? That would mean you could do a bow only army. :shock:

Author:  Jemrin [ Sun May 30, 2010 3:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

thats why there so powerful you could get at least 50 shots per turn at around 700 points

Author:  whafrog [ Sun May 30, 2010 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grey Company

Azrael wrote:
So does it matter whether thos 4 ranger of arnor have a bow? That would mean you could do a bow only army. :shock:

They all have a bow, it's part of their base equipment list. You'll find your numbers suffer a bit, because you have to take a 25 point model for every 4 RoA, but it's still a lot of bow fire.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Depending on your group and how you play them, you may find that they aren't as fun as you may think. Sitting back and just rolling shots for a few turns until your enemy has broken may be fun once, but it gets old fast and there are many opponents that just don't like to play against GC armies for that reason. And it's not just being on the receiving end. Back when they first came out there were many here that tried them for a while and decided they just weren't as fun to play repeatedly as they thought.

Now as allies I think the GC is awesome. I really wish they would have put a 30-model limit on them as that was the size of the Company in RotK, but oh well. If you want to have a Gondor force, for example, and have a dozen or so GC backing you up that's pretty effective.

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