The One Ring

LOTR conquest. only checkt this is ou've played the game :P
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Author:  Richard of Rohan [ Tue May 12, 2009 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  LOTR conquest. only checkt this is ou've played the game :P

i dont mean to be picky but anyone who has played starwars battlefront beforehand would say conquest was a bit of a let down in some places.

the troop selection isnt very good, theres not much you can do once its all done. like on SWBF2, i think you should be able to go around middle earth and conquer areas. at one point im sure gandalf says that moria is the elven stronghold... on the same level, gimli says 'i should clearly not wait for an elf' when your not an elf, you're a gondorian warrior... wats all the about?

for a conquest, large area game, pelennor fields was disapoitning. theres also grenade-type things in too, whcih is confusing... prove me wrong but... makes no sense to me.

prove me wrong about my complaints if i seem annoying. my mate would rip the hell out of the game if he was ere

Author:  BrightLance [ Tue May 12, 2009 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Err... yes.

Conquest was trying to be too many things at the same time. Too many gimmiks were added to make the LoTR genre more appealing to the other fantasy communities. I think if they had just made a generic fantasy game, without the 'LoTR' title, it would have been better.

I ended up not buying it (luckily) after playing the demo.

It could have been so much better.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Wed May 13, 2009 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 


I am still trying to translate the title...

Author:  gaarew [ Wed May 13, 2009 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dorthonion wrote:

I am still trying to translate the title...

C'mon Dorth, surely everybody knows what LOTR conquest. only checkt this is ou've played the game :P means?

For the intellectually challenged though, I give you -

LOTR: Conquest - Please only read this thread if you have played said game (smiley face with tongue poking out)


Author:  Richard of Rohan [ Thu May 14, 2009 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

yes, i lack in proper english. i'm on msn too much

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu May 14, 2009 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Err, throw him to the ground, sir? :?

Author:  Phantom_Lord [ Thu May 14, 2009 8:49 pm ]
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to get back on topic,

i've played LotR conquest too and i agree with you. its very dissapointing. could be because i had very high expectations (star wars battlefront II is just totally awesome :-D ). so many thing are just way out of line of tolkiens ideas. walking around a battlefield you can see simple warriors just climbing up a mumak and kill it with a few click of the mouse. also combat is just hitting the mouse as hard and as fast as you can. and magic was suppost to be a rare thing in the third age, but in that game 25% of all warriors can do it!

i'm really glad i didn't buy the game, and i hope :pray: they will never, ever make a game this bad about LotR again (although i'm sure they will :-X ).

Author:  Wargh [ Thu May 14, 2009 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't think we can expect much in the way of LotR themed gaming. I've been dissapointed with most of the titles i've played. If the were going to copy a game format they should have done something similar to the Total War franchise from the start. I know there is a mod out there now but an official title would have been much better.
Even something like Obilvion but based in middle earth would have been good.

Author:  General Haar [ Fri May 15, 2009 1:36 am ]
Post subject: 

BFME I and II were good, and LoTR Online in one of the most phenomenal MMO's I've ever played (It's the only one that I haven't quit because of monotony), and it's based more on the books than anything. Very, very true to Tolkien's work.

As for Conquest... I knew it was going to be a failure, went out, and warned people, but it seems that most didn't listen. I played the demo and was disgusted. I'll take my 50$ elsewhere.

Author:  Wargh [ Fri May 15, 2009 2:35 am ]
Post subject: 

BFME I and II were good, and LoTR Online in one of the most phenomenal MMO's I've ever played (It's the only one that I haven't quit because of monotony), and it's based more on the books than anything. Very, very true to Tolkien's work.

I didn't think BFME 2 was anything to get excited about. No different to any other RTS clone on the market. I haven't played LotR Online, I cant justify the cost or the time so I cant comment on it.

A few years ago i played LotR the third age or something like that which i got into for a while but the turned based combat really frustrated me and sucked the fun right out of it.

Author:  Valdor [ Fri May 15, 2009 5:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, the idea and such behind The Third Age was really good, the characters were cool, as was the scenery, the upgrade system,...
But that turn-based fighting was soooooo annoying that i just stopped playing it (i borrowed it from someone).

I have BFME2, and if I play it, it's probably just to check out the scenery of a map (there really are some great maps). It's a good game, but i'm not a big fan of how the combat system works. A bit too rock-paper-scissors and eevrything dies so fast :( it's impossible to maintain a real army, you constantly have to retrain.

I think the best lotr games I've played are still the good old Return of The King and The Two Towers hack and slash games :).

About Conquest: I was tempted to buy it, but after seeing movies on the internet I decided it's just a fantasy game with a lotr name stuck on it so it would sell better.

Author:  Richard of Rohan [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I agree, RotK and TTT were good games.

the third age was ok, i got to the end of it. The end was... stupid, you had to fight the eye of sauron atop barah dur... what was all that about?? How did you get there without being slaughtered? Sauron can't BE killed via stabbing him in his eye. I mean, his eye is made from flames, so how can you hurt flames?

Other than that it was ok. Moria looked good.

Author:  gaarew [ Fri May 15, 2009 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Richard of Rohan wrote:
I mean, his eye is made from flames, so how can you hurt flames?

Fire extinguisher...

Bucket of water...

Removal of oxygen source...


Should I continue?

Author:  Wargh [ Fri May 15, 2009 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Richard of Rohan wrote:
I mean, his eye is made from flames, so how can you hurt flames?

Fire extinguisher...

Bucket of water...

Removal of oxygen source...


haha, the old fire triangle, takes me back to my boatmaster course.
Heat, Oxygen, Fuel - the 3 sides of the triangle. Take away one side and the fire dies.

You will have to make sure you have the correct fire extinguisher for the class of fire you are fighting. Sauron is most probably gas. Certainly not electrical.......

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Sat May 16, 2009 6:29 am ]
Post subject: 

You are fogetting about the Fellowship of the Ring, I somewhat liked the freedom that was givin in the game, I mean it wasn´t only fighting or something it was O.K, and the enmys could really hurt you, and MAgic wasn't so good either (The Balrog sucked of course and the fact that bows were so accurate, but mostly it was ok)

As for TTT adn RotK, well they were nice at start but it was so "hack n slash" that afther playing it through, it doesn´t make you feel olike some more... (too mono i think)

The Third age, well what can I say, the places were intresting but the story wa akward (as noted above magic was rear but these guys had like plenty of it, and they basically managed to kill most of the evil guys in middel earth :lol: :lol: :lol: but its pretty much boring because of the fighting style)

BfME I / II (well havenät played I yet) but II was a little bit dissapointing, could have been better, with gahtering diffrent resorces and more factions...

Dont know anything about the Shadow of Angmar or Conquest :rofl:

Author:  gaarew [ Sat May 16, 2009 8:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Nobody played Lord of the Rings: Tactics on PSP?

Author:  Hza [ Sat May 23, 2009 1:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Guys

I have not read the whole discussion as I am on a time limit so forvive
me if I state something obvious. I have conquest on my DS and I agree it has a lot of dodgey parts. I was dissapointed with the lack of hero use to. :sad: Some of the scenery is okay like the dead mumakil at plennelor fields.It is I have decided, a dissapointment and I recommend you dont buy it.

Author:  Srax_Zolak [ Sat May 23, 2009 2:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Conquest is sadly a disappointment(I hate to say it). Many of the small details alone bugged me. Like how the Mumak can't have actual Archers on top. Also that the Archers and Scouts are Easterlings when really they should be haradrim and the warrior should be Easterlings. The game isn't that bad, just it should be sold for like $20.

Author:  Hza [ Sat May 23, 2009 3:12 am ]
Post subject: 

It is I have decided, a dissapointment and I recommend you dont buy it.

I take that back its just not worth all that money


Author:  Phalnax [ Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Wargh wrote:
Richard of Rohan wrote:
I mean, his eye is made from flames, so how can you hurt flames?

Fire extinguisher...

Bucket of water...

Removal of oxygen source...


haha, the old fire triangle, takes me back to my boatmaster course.
Heat, Oxygen, Fuel - the 3 sides of the triangle. Take away one side and the fire dies.

You will have to make sure you have the correct fire extinguisher for the class of fire you are fighting. Sauron is most probably gas. Certainly not electrical.......

Surely if he was made of a certian type of gas, wouldn't all of the Orcs drop to the floor and suffocate before they get out of the black gate?

On topic, I haven't brought the game yet, but I might find somewhere that sells it cheap or second hand so I can test it out....

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