The One Ring

Trading list
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Author:  BSG [ Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Trading list

Hi guys

A recent lockdown fueled attic clear out led me to boxes of these things. My partner did not seem to put up too much opposition to me painting a whole bunch of undercoated orcs and that means I feel like I'm able to get back into it a little bit.

However, there are some models I have no interest in or are duplicates. I thought of ebaying them, but will probably only reinvest the money into the hobby and you guys all seem reputable so I'll feel it more worthwhile trading them on here.

I do not know if any of these models are 'rare' or anything, please let me know if they are and not rinse me for a one sided trade. Or do, I'll never know! :)

All models are metal and presumably the first released of that specific type.

Non undercoated:

Farmer Maggot and his three dogs
Glorfindel non armoured (the first one)
Something labelled 'dwarf', Axe to one side arm raised to the other
Durburz Goblin king
Hooded Sharkey

Undercoated black:

Arwen with Frodo on horseback
King of the Dead
Witch King (first one where he is hooded and withdrawing sword)
Tom Bombadil
Radagast the Brown
Easterling Captain

Looking for (not bothered if painted or not, my painting is awful so whatever you've done will be a step up)

The original metal orcs
The metal men of Gondor (Last Alliance style with bows and spears)
Any Mordor bits (the captain with a head on his head, mordor uruk hai, morannon orcs, easterlings etc)
Knights of Dol Amroth (footed or mounted)
Any Fiefdom stuff (axemen and clansman? With their heroes)

If there's anything on the have list that you want let us know even if there is nothing on the looking for list you have. There's all sorts I'll accept!

I'm obviously not expecting all that for little Tom Bombadil but if you have any of it let us know. Can send pictures of any of it if you like.

Anything that doesn't get asked for within about a week, I'll likely look to sell.

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