The One Ring

Kelthrai's Trading Thread
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Author:  Kelthrai [ Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Kelthrai's Trading Thread

Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

I have:

Arvedui & Malbeth, metal
Aragorn the King ft & mtd, Finecast
Haldir, Heroes of Helm's Deep
Gimli, Heroes of Helm's Deep
Legolas, Heroes of Helm's Deep
Armoured Elf Banner Bearer, Heroes of Helm's Deep
Many, many Mines of Moria Goblins, plastic
Many, many Warriors of Minas Tirith (~10 spears and swords, ~50 Archers), plastic
Rangers of Gondor, metal
Knights of Dol Amroth, plastic, mounted.

I would like (by faction, in descending order of priority):


Captain of Dol Amroth ft & mtd, metal
Knights of Dol Amroth, ft, metal
Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth, metal
Axemen of Lossarnach, metal


Erkenbrand ft & mtd, metal
Rohan Royal Guard, ft & mtd, metal
Théodred ft, metal
Háma, metal
Théoden, Defenders of Rohan
Éomer, Defenders of Rohan

White Council

Glorfindel mtd, metal

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