Hello folks! I recently obtained some black guard of Barad-Dur commanders for a great price. These are the METAL ONES, they are sealed with their cellophane intact. Since Mordor isn't really my army, I thought someone out there might like to trade. I have an extensive collection and am looking for any of the following:
4-5 Serpent Guard on foot with their back horns
1 box of Haradrim Raiders, horses and riders not glued together with back fans
3-4 Dwarf kings
12 plastic dwarf warriors with a metal captain
12 plastic dwarf rangers with a metal captain
12 plastic warriors of erebor
12 plastic grim hammers
4 metal iron guard
Moria goblin command box
Gundabad blackshields command box
A few points:
I live in Canada. It is a large country and post can be expensive. It usually takes 10-14 days to receive from the UK. Your box will most likely be sent in a padded envelope. The postmaster and I will do our best to seal the heck out of it. Failing this, it will be sent in a box stuffed with newsprint. Since I am relatively new to this site, feel free to check my Ebay profile as prominenthominid. [No one wants to be a Khan Artist on an auction site!

] I am rural. You must be able to ship to PO boxes. This means NO couriers!
Hopefully we can make a deal!