The One Ring

Help with forming a Rohan army
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Author:  Iluminatos13 [ Fri May 27, 2016 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with forming a Rohan army

Hello everyone! After a big break I am back to the hobby and eager to start a Rohan army. Below I will post what I have and I would like your opinion on what to get next to make a decent 500ish point army.
1. A box of 24 warriors of Rohan(of the time GW was more "generous").
2. 11 Riders of Rohan.
3. Eowyn foot and mounted.
Tell me please if you think what I have is useable and what should I get next to form an army?
Thanks in advance :)
PS I hope this is in the correct subtopic (not posted in beginners). :frodo:

Author:  Salattu [ Fri May 27, 2016 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with forming a Rohan army

Just a couple more heroes and your army is good. For example eomer and captain/whatulike.

*Eomer, marshal of riddenmark with horse and shield
-11 rider of rohan

*Eowyn, horse, shield, armour
-11 warrior of rohan... 3 bow 6 throwing spear, 8 shield

*Captain of rohan
-11 warrior of rohan, 3 bow, 5 throwing spear, 8 shield

Overall: 500p, 36 unit, 7 might...

Shame they have nerfed the rohan warriors by making their price 1 point higher. On the other hand cavalry is more cheaper i guess. Im not 100% sure if this list is lawful. Im not rohan pro. As these cavalry seems to have bows nowadays. But this is idea to think about...

Author:  Iluminatos13 [ Fri May 27, 2016 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with forming a Rohan army

Thanks a lot!! I'm thinking of Grimbold to make my Rohan warriors S4 and maybe a banner!

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