The One Ring

Need Help With 700 Points Competetive Easterlings
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Author:  Demonforge [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Need Help With 700 Points Competetive Easterlings

So I'm having quite a bit of trouble making up a 700 point, tournament ready, Easterling list. My current list is the following:

Warband 1: Eastern Kingdoms
Khamul, the Easterling, on Fell Beast (Leader)

Warband 2: Eastern Kingdoms
Amdur, Lord of Blades
- 4 Easterling Warriors w/ Shield
- 1 Easterling Warriors w/ Pike and Shield
- 1 Black Dragon w/ Pike and Shield
- 4 Black Dragons w/ Pike and Bow

Warband 3: Eastern Kingdoms
Easterling Captain w/ Elven Blade
- 4 Easterling Warriors w/ Shield
- 1 Easterling Warriors w/ Pike and Shield
- 1 Black Dragon w/ Pike and Shield
- 4 Black Dragons w/ Pike and Bow
- 1 Easterling Warrior w/ Shield and Banner

Warband 4: Eastern Kingdoms
Easterling War Priest on Armoured Horse
- 4 Black Dragon Kataphrakts
693 points, 29 models, 8 might

Now, I recognize this list has some severe problems. First off, it lacks numbers. However, being Easterlings, this is going to be a problem no matter how I work it. That said, my numbers could use a slight improvement, if possible. Secondly, I am banking on some really expensive characters, which is alright to an extent, but it part of what is hurting my numbers so.

I do know how I want to improve my list, but I am just baffled as to how to go about it. I want more numbers, if possible. However, I also still want to try to keep one or two flaking forces, definitely one with Khamul on a Fell Beast, and possibly one with some cavalry, maybe backed up by a character on a mount, such as Amdur or a Dragon Knight. At the same time, I need a main block of infantry, with a wider frontage than currently. a 10-man frontline is not enough, especially versus massive horde forces. I also want to try to take advantage of the Easterling Warrior's 50% bow limit, as I've found them to be one of my best tools, useful for whittling down the enemy before they hit my lines. Bow+Pike is also a must; the tactical flexibility of the option is amazing. A War Priest is also still a must.

So then, if anyone can help me modify my list so as to help its problems and improve on the areas I've pointed out, I would be grateful. I've been having a lot of trouble making a competitive list, so any help towards that goal would be seriously appreciated.

Author:  Glory4gondor [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need Help With 700 Points Competetive Easterlings

I have ran Easterlings a few times I really like there look. That being said Khamul never preforms to well. He rarely is worth his points id take the Dark marshal or the Knight of Umbar if you want to throw him in combats . Easterling can be hard to work at certain points value it always seems to me that I need 50 more

Author:  Demonforge [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need Help With 700 Points Competetive Easterlings

Glory4gondor wrote:
I have ran Easterlings a few times I really like there look. That being said Khamul never preforms to well. He rarely is worth his points id take the Dark marshal or the Knight of Umbar if you want to throw him in combats . Easterling can be hard to work at certain points value it always seems to me that I need 50 more

I should have noted this in my first post, but not only do I want to go full Easterlings, I am kinda limited in my choices. This list is meant for tournaments in my area, and one rule in those tournaments is that if you are taking allies, you have to take at least one full warband of those allies. As much as the Dark Marshal or the Knight of Umbar would work really well, I'd have to take a full warband alongside them, which might not make them worth as much.

Author:  General Ly Average [ Sat Jul 18, 2015 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need Help With 700 Points Competetive Easterlings

The Dark Marshal or Knight of Umbar could work well with a warband of Black Numenoreans: F4, D6 and Terror could be good. Alternatively you could use one of them with Morannon Orcs with Shield, which adds some much needed S4 to the force

Author:  Rozinante [ Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Need Help With 700 Points Competetive Easterlings

Easterlings have lured me in with lots of unique features...but competatively, there always seems to be something better. That said, here is my vote:

Khamul on Fell, Amdur Mounted, War Priest
18 Shield, all but 5 with Pike
18 Blk Dragon Warriors behind them with Bow and Pike

Here you've got F4, D6, 30 pikes, massive bows, with pass-all-courage plus fate saves, killer hero, and one of the better fighter Nazguls on a flying monster (maybe not a first choice magic user, but an F6 with renewable Will that can lead Easterlings: no other choice for pure Easterlings...but those allies are tempting).

Solid, hard to kill army with magic and a monster. I would vote against Kataphrakts, unless you must have a few for ranged scenarios (then take the mounted drum). Without a lance, and Monsters on the board at this points level, this Cavalry is too expensive & fragile.

Let us know how it goes.

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