The One Ring

Army of thror at 500 600 and 750 points
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Author:  Quinndalf [ Fri May 29, 2015 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Army of thror at 500 600 and 750 points

Well what do you guys think of these lists. Do you have any lists of your own?

500 pts
Thorin with the oakenshield and pony
6 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear
6 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear
New Dwalin

600 pts
Thorin with the oakenshield and pony
5 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear
6 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear
Dwalin with pony
5 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear

750 pts
Thorin with the oakenshield and pony
5 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear
6 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear
Dwalin with pony
5 warriors of erebor with shield 6 with shield and spear

Author:  Wolftooth [ Fri May 29, 2015 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of thror at 500 600 and 750 points

Why bother with Alfrd if you are trying to make thrors army?

Author:  Badner [ Fri May 29, 2015 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of thror at 500 600 and 750 points

If you want to be very cheese at 500 Pts.:

Warband 1: Bombur

Warband 2: Thorin Oakenshield with The Oakenshield on pony; 6 Warrior of Erebor with Spear; Shield; 6 Warrior of Erebor with Shield

Warband 3:Dwalin 6 Warrior of Erebor with Spear; Shield; 6 Warrior of Erebor with Shield

Warband 4: Alfred the councillor

Wolftooth wrote:
Why bother with Alfrd if you are trying to make thrors army?

I am playing Alfrid, too. Because I want to play the BOFA, but the Army of Thror is the only legal way to do this. Furthermore, Alfrid is very good.

Your armies look good. However, there is not much variety, because of your limited troop options. The only good army you can make is always: Thorin with as many warriors as possible, Dwalin with as many warriors as possible and so on, depending on the pointlimit.

Author:  Dikey [ Fri May 29, 2015 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Army of thror at 500 600 and 750 points

there isn't much one can do with the Army of Thror, but I think your list are good.

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