The One Ring

750 Point Angmar. Who should be my core orcs?
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Author:  Onus193 [ Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  750 Point Angmar. Who should be my core orcs?

Need helping building a mostly pure Angmar force that can expand up to 1000 if needed.

WB1:Witch King of Angmar: Fell Beast- +3might,5 will, 2 fate(Leader)

WB2:Barrow Wright
4 Dead Marsh Spectres

10 Orcs with spear/shield
1 banner
1 cave troll

WB3: Orc Shaman
10 orcs with spear/shield
1 cave troll

=4 might, 30 models

The goal of this force is to wall my two orc warbands and use the shade to win fights and stay alive with fury. Trolls will be doing most of the damage here.

At this point point value i feel like i need witch king for staff is broken and channeling sap will/transfix on heroes, but let me know if you feel like Dwimmer is the better option.

Finally the barrow wright and spectres are my "archers" and will help take care of annoying spear support or bow.

Obviously this list has major weaknesses, but i wanted to create a list that is fluffy enough to be the real Angmar forces (why i won't use Guhlavar), while still being at least competitive enough to win a few games.

Ally options i was considering:

Adding a warband of black guard of barad-dur and sacrifice the second orc warband and a cave troll. (reasoning is if my front line is too squishy, once i break all my guys run away)

Adding a warband of gundabad hobbit orcs: again help my front line, but slightly more fluffy since in the lore the orcs of gundabad did serve the witch king (these guys just don't feel that good though for their points)

Finally should I drop both normal orc warbands, and bring a warband of black guard shield, and then another with gundabad orc spear? give or take sacrificing a troll.

Am i correct that since they both are still orcs they benefit from my orc shamans fury?

Sorry for the wall of text, this my first post and i've just bought most of my army and began painting this week so I'm a little excited.

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