The One Ring

Dwarf army SBG
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Author:  Azrael [ Fri May 21, 2010 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Dwarf army SBG

I'd like you to post some ideas of the best 250 pt dwarf army with and without a Ballista for SBG. The following units are available to me:

-Dwarf Captain
-24 ranger (8/8/8 )
-9 Khâzad guards

The Ballista thing is cause the terrain is profitable for ranged units and my mate likes trolls :lol:

Author:  MuslimRohirrim [ Sat May 22, 2010 1:04 am ]
Post subject: 

if you insist on taking the ballista though it would make you low on numbers, then may be you can use something like this.

Captain (Sh)
6x ranger (2H,Throwing)
2x ranger (B)
5x khazad Guards

250pts, 2M, 2bows, count 15

I would prefer to take numbers over power, may be remove the ballista and beef up with.

2x Ranger (B)
2x ranger (2H, Throwing)
2x khazad (if two points over point level is ok, if not then take two more rabgers with Bows instead)

250/252pts, 2M, 4/6bow,count 20

banner could be useful with dwarves, but I think banner and named heroes are waste of points on this points level. Anyway you can make a start with an army test playing it then decide which direction you want to go that suites your style. hope it helps

good luck and have fun.

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Sat May 22, 2010 2:05 am ]
Post subject: 

i differ. i think that a banner for the dwarves is a must cause it is SOOOOO helpful.

i think that gimli could still be used at this pt level cause he is relativly cheap, but only if you're experienced enough to use him properly (otherwise he is a big waste of points).... and that is still a gamble, it is better to be safe and get a captian, but i really like him so i would still get him for the fun of it :rofl:

you really should get kazaguard as already shown, cause they are REALLY good (along with iron guard), but only get 2-3

no ballista, only good if you have big battles and if the terrain suits it...

i have 2 ideas: a normal army as sugesseted or take mass kazaguard (cause they are 1pt more than most of the rangers... and i dont like using the rangers 2h cause they die too easily... unlike the kaza :) )

captian w/ sh or bw
9 kaza
5 rangers w/ bow

you can make it below 250 by switching the captains equipment/ranger/kaza for a ranger w/ 2h. i put the army up like this so you could choose what to swap (its your army not mine, so personalize it :) )

i would think about taking 5 ranger w/ and giving the captian one as well cause then you could take out targets like captians/banners/cavalry before you meet which would help alot (although this will depend on terrain to work)

Author:  ShadowMaster26 [ Sat May 22, 2010 12:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Banners are good for Dwarves, but they are too many points at 250.

How about this list:
-Dwarf Captain with shield and throwing axes.
-6 Khazad Guard
-2 Dwarf Rangers with two-handed axes
-5 Dwarf Rangers with Bows
-4 Dwarf Rangers with throwing axes

Hope I was helpful!
P.S. Dwarf Captains do not have access to bows.

Author:  Shadowswarm [ Sat May 22, 2010 1:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

i differ, i think that banners are ALWAYS ok to get (unless its below 200pts). i always have used a banner in my dwarf armies, and they have never been a waste

Author:  theavenger001 [ Sat May 22, 2010 2:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I personally think that banners are a very good thing for dwarves, but at at 250 points I don't think it's a good idea. You drop your numbers and you will have to have a couple of dwarves sitting around touching the banner in case he gets killed from bow fire.

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