The One Ring

Hello from the floods
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Author:  Walters [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Hello from the floods

I joined this forum a while ago but I never properly introduced myself.

I suspect I am in the upper age bracket, as a middle aged bloke with teenage children. I live in Worcester in the UK which is currently part submerged.

All of the games I have played so far have been with my children, who show varying levels of interest but not quite my borderline obsessiveness.

I have lots of bits of armies and tend to work on something for a bit, then get distracted by something else, so I have many unfinished 'projects'. In addition I periodically panic that models I like will go out of production, buy them and then they sit on a shelf gathering dust. The latest of these is Eorl the Young and some Sons of Eorl. I am also terrible for tinkering with rules and always look at the ideas for House Rules.

I enjoy lots of games in addition to SBG, in particular anything Cthulhu related ever produced will probably be in my house somewhere.

Author:  Hill-Troll [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from the floods

Welcome, welcome and thrice welcome!

Author:  Erunion [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from the floods

Greetings, and welcome to the One Ring!

I have hobby ADD as well, so I have to make a plan and stick to it, or I'll never get anything done!

Author:  Dorthonion [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from the floods

Welcome to The One-Ring.
You have not yet attained the Upper Age Bracket on O-R. For that you need to be at least a grandparent or simply a grumpy old man. Like me :)

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from the floods

Welcome from the land of water. I hope those water levels start dropping soon, having experienced floods it's no fun thing.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from the floods

Welcome to the One Ring!

Author:  Harfoot [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from the floods

Welcome, not to far from Worcester, Swindon, a group of gamers meet every Wednesday evening, several "middle age". If you are ever in the area.

Author:  Walters [ Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello from the floods

Thanks for the welcome - and the invite. I will endeavour to contribute.

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