The One Ring

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Author:  TheBossman40k [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Scale

I've got a quick question for you guys. Why do some people worry so uch about the scale creep? I've seen a forum of guys who listed how some metal standard bearers heroes etc are larger than plastics. I say why? I see no problem in them. First off all of them said they liked the LOTR line a lot as they are cool sculpts. And I agree, the scale doesn't bother me at all because, with the different poses and knee positions of minis not to mention the NATURAL HEIGHT difference of people who excist, 2-3-4 mm difference is completely normal, in fact it even makes it better IMO.

Is it purely because they are viewing it from a model collectors perspective or something?

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

I have no issue with some variation though I do object to mediocre sculpting and poor materials. I prefer hard plastic for gaming and metals for special pieces. Some resins appear to be fine but others, not so great.

Author:  TheBossman40k [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

Dorthonion wrote:
I have no issue with some variation though I do object to mediocre sculpting and poor materials. I prefer hard plastic for gaming and metals for special pieces. Some resins appear to be fine but others, not so great.

Yes definitely agree on that second part. I find EVER material has its use, even Finecast (ie. Great Unclean One I mean you gonna warp my giant solid snot blob, or maybe put some air bubbles in to wreck the thin piec... oh wait. Good luck, and while you do that, I'll be admiring the superb detail.

On a last note, as I haven't played LOTR from the start I am quite unaware, I am sure I read somewhere that the 3 model blisters were the "original packs" is this right? If so, did they apparently fluctuated between large, small and large, or were the original blisters "normal" sized. Just wanna know, I really like the variation :).

Author:  JamesR [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

Way back, at the launch of this game. I rode my trusty dinosaur up to my local Hobby Shop to purchase some units... lol

In all seriousness most of the initial releases were 3 packs of metal, much like the modern fine -cast packs. Plastics were introduced and the range had a nice balance between the two

Author:  TheBossman40k [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

JamesR wrote:
Way back, at the launch of this game. I rode my trusty dinosaur up to my local Hobby Shop to purchase some units... lol

In all seriousness most of the initial releases were 3 packs of metal, much like the modern fine -cast packs. Plastics were introduced and the range had a nice balance between the two

^^That made me chuckle :D. So, you mean to say that the went together very well on the battlefield, or just that they had a nice variety of metaland plastic packs?

Author:  JamesR [ Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale


Author:  Danglos [ Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

i got a captain of Dale, and he is tiny compare to the plastic guys. Yes the detail is superb, but i had to stand him on a rock to bring him up t the same hight as the reat of his warband.

I much prefer the way my Minas tirith captain (slight larger than plastic) looks compared to his warband.

Author:  TheBossman40k [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

Dang wrote:
i got a captain of Dale, and he is tiny compare to the plastic guys. Yes the detail is superb, but i had to stand him on a rock to bring him up t the same hight as the reat of his warband.

I much prefer the way my Minas tirith captain (slight larger than plastic) looks compared to his warband.

And there we go. Variation. I take it you don't like this particular case that much but there we have it. Metals aren't grossly overenlarged like some people somehow immediately assume. Like how the Goblin Town Captain is like puny compared to his men :P.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

Variation is one thing, the difference between for example NĂºmenĂ³reans (small, while supposed to be tall) and Dunlendings (huge, for no apparent reason - shoud be malnourished if anything) is way beyond that though. Both annoying when those face each other, but such 'variation' is especially problematic when doing conversions - some heads or hands are way out of scale with those of other models, which is quite an (unnecessary) shame.

Author:  Laevos [ Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale

I agree that some differences in scale are good. Nothing more unnatural than an army of men of exactly the same height. People vary in height between 1.50 m and over 2 m, so most of the differences in the range are minor compared to that.

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