Not a great conversion (you're still stuck with his straight, unlikely arms, though they look a little less unconvincing like this) is to convert him to a ranger banner bearer/Halbarad.
You cut the two arms apart (through the sword hilt), drill a hole through the left hand, cut it off, and glue it on again with a quarter turn (so that he has his thumb up). Then you glue the arm back on in near-horizontal position, and put a straightened paper clip (or another metal rod) through the hole. Create a banner in your favourite method (mine is wrapping Aluminium foil around it), glue the other arm on so that he lifts the sword in the air, and voilà.
For an advanced version, I would suggest cutting the arms at the elbows and bending them a bit, but I havent tried that myself.
And you're right, that pose is

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings