Hey all,
I'm building a few Mordor Trolls at the moment, but can't decide what pose to put them in.
I've just opened the first one, and want it to be heavily armoured; and by that I mean more heavily armour than regular 'armoured' Mordor Trolls. So to that end, I've been experimenting with giving him the shield that's usually reserved for Isengard Trolls.
I'm aware that Mordor Trolls don't have the option to take shields, but that's not really a concern of mine. My biggest worry is that it'll evoke an Isengard look.
So what do you guys think? Here's my current favoured pose. I originally had him holding the shield in front of him, but it looked a little too defensive so I opted for this nastier look.

Should I slice up the shield to change it? Turf it out completely? Advice and suggestions are appreciated.
Oh by the way, all that goes for his helmet too!
Also, I'm aware that he's got armour on top of armour on his right arm, but again I'm not particularly worried by that. Apologies for the horrible photos too

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