Well, it's not fully painted yet, but I wanted to work out the tones and learn how to paint. I got my hands on the Citadel painting guide, and watched numerous tutorials and read numerous guides but it's not really that helpful to a complete amateur on reading words to learn how to do something artistically practical.
Before I begin I just wanted to say PROPS to all of you as I learned today that painting miniatures is hard as heck! Dear lord the intricacy involved to get pro is ridiculous.
So I finally primed one of these bad boys and got it on paint table. Time to paint my first miniature ever! I just did the face and messed around with the platebody to see how ink washing and drybrushing works. I'm really happy with the face; the guys at GW taught me how to do the face on some Warhammer figures when I went in this morning and I applied what I learned at home. What do you guys think? I wanted him to have big eyes to give him the very "RAAAAAHHHH CHARGE!!!" sort of Captain attitude.
*Be very critical. I'd like to apply my artistic side on these figures to the max! Will update when the entire miniature is painted. I'm using Citadel's ridiculously overpriced paints, btw.

Next I'll correct any of the overbrushing of silver on the black cloths and layer/feather grays to the skirt and ink wash the leg plates and such. The leg plates are painted but aren't washed yet.