The One Ring

any good ideas about painting gamling's banner
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Author:  Lochlan8me [ Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  any good ideas about painting gamling's banner

hey guys, I was wondering if people have any good and easy ways to put the horse on the banner. Right now, I have it with a green field and a red/gold bunting. so what is the secret about doing the horse.

Pictures are on my facebook, ....warning to those from outside the US, I do post a lot about politics on it, so if you friend me be warned.

Brian :aragorn:

Author:  Telchar [ Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: any good ideas about painting gamling's banner

Could you put some pictures here?

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: any good ideas about painting gamling's banner

Gamlings banner is really hard !!!! It would be fairly straight forward if the banner was flat instead of being twisted and contorted the way it is. My advice to you is to paint the green background on the banner with a really basic starting point - dark angels green for instance then just simply paint the horse on in the form of a stick horse to get the basic outline of where the tail , legs , head etc will be positined on the banner. Once you are this point start to fill the horse out with your chosen colour. Once your happy you should have a white horse with no inner detail on the gren flag. Paint in the detail lines with codex grey. paint a snakebite leather outline around the outside of the horse. finally highlight the green flag around the horse itself... Like I said this banner is really hard.. Good luck!

This picture was my first attempt which I have since sold on ebay as I wasn't happy with the banner. have bought the miniature again to have another go.

Hope this helps :)

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