Hey all,
So I just finished painting my mounted Easterling Dragon Knight, roughly following the GW scheme:

As far as I could tell, the underside of this dude's cloak is black, shown a bit better on the other side of the model:

The problem is, I've just started painting his foot counterpart. From the looks of the GW site, the inside of his cloak is now red. At the moment I've done the first coat and left the inside black to match the mounted version:

What do you all think I should do? A quick google image search showed me a few foot models with the inside painted red, but I can't abide the two having a contradictory scheme. Should I have painted the mounted version with a red inside, or leave the foot version black?
Obviously it's just a personal choice, but I'm very interested to see how any of you might have tackled the issue.
PS Apologies for the quality of the photo lighting, which seems to have annihilated much of the detail and colouring. Contrary to the above pics, it's actually not too terrible a paint job!
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