The One Ring

Haldirs Rarity???
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Author:  Purplesounds [ Mon May 21, 2012 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Haldirs Rarity???

As far as I know there is 4 different versions of Haldir.

Haldir in cloth with sword
Haldir in cloth with bow
Haldir in armor with sword
Haldir in armor with bow

What I would like to know is a rough rarity of each version (common, uncommon, rare) and a relative price value generally associated with each version. I know some are rare and hard to fine and others are a dime a dozen.

I just bought a Haldir in cloth with bow and I'm wondering if I got a good deal on it or not. I think its one of the rarer versions but I'm not sure.


Author:  StewardofGondor [ Mon May 21, 2012 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Haldirs Rarity???

I think it's the rarest version, followed by haldir in cloth with sword. Haldir with armour aren't rare at all.
Don't know what is its value, guess 10-15 £ but could be more

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Tue May 22, 2012 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Haldirs Rarity???

I’m not really into elves to be honest, but I did a quick search for you on ebay, it seems like most models there are Haldir with armour, so I guess they’re not really ‘rare’, but, there’s also a Haldir model with cloth and sword, and they’re quite rare as far as I know, but this one’s quite cheap, even for his rareness.

Here are some links for those of you who are interested, good luck!
Sword and cloth

Bow and armour

Haldir in armour with bow (and some other elven heroes)

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