The One Ring

My first Finecast
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Author:  MeatBoy1994 [ Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  My first Finecast

I will be getting my first Finecast model soon (War Priest) and I'd like to know what the quality of these guys are like?? I know that the Beast of Gorgoroth has lots of problems with the casts and whatnot, but what about smaller minis? 8)
And if it is ruined... How to fix it?

Author:  imrail [ Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My first Finecast

That nice! I really want one of those.
Would you like to make some photo's from it?

In answer to your question, I have had 1 smaller miniature in finecast, a Lord Commissar from WH40k.
He was without flaws, perfect casted.

It depends on how ruined it is.
Warm water, green stuff and perhaps a hair dryer might do the job.
But again it depends on how ruined it is.

Author:  Gondors Finest [ Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My first Finecast

Perhaps it would be wise to open when buying so you can inspect it at the store, and if there is a problem GW can fix it immidiately

Author:  Battalia [ Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My first Finecast

When I bought my Rohan Commanders box in finecast I opened it on the spot and a customer laughed at me for inspecting it on the spot and an employee chimed in that thats exactly what he does with all his finecast purchases as well because of the defects. What does the guy do? Buy the dweller in the dark and opens it up to inspect it :lol:

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