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 Post subject: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:06 am 
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Hey all, I'm just wondering if anyone had had any luck with getting metal Khazad Guard from GW themselves (as opposed to old overstock at a FLGS.) I have a few (ok, 18) but am looking for at least 4 blisters more. I haven't had any luck with GW Canada, nor do any of my local shops have any. It seems they may be out of production, and no Finecast release on the horizon...

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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:34 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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If they're not available it probably means Finecast version is on the way.
Luckily for me I have 18 already.. though 24 would be cooler....

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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:06 pm 
Elven Elder
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You can still buy Khazad Guard in UK version of GW site, can you have the shipped to you?

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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:51 pm 

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I think there is a big difference between "being available shipping now" vs being available and "shipping in two to three weeks". In the US there has been a several week delay for well over a month on many models.
Currently with a wait:

Armored GLorfindel
high elf spearman
Guards of the galadrim court
Wood elf command ( guess were this is going :( )
Hobbit Shirriffs
Osgiliath vets
Rohan ROyal Guard on foot
Swan knights on foot
Warriors of numenor with spear
Abrakhan guard
Khandish warriors ( warriors box is delayed as well)
Khandish horesman ( 6-7 weeks )
Dwimmerlaik, tainted and undying
Mordor uruk hai
Morgul stalkers ( been like this for a while )
Barrow whites

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:52 pm 
Elven Elder
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Barrow-wights not whites.

None of the evil, (and few of the good) models on that list are on a delay in the UK. For something to be definitive, it would be affected in the other zones as well, especially the UK/Europe one as that is base 1, whereas the US/Canada and the Australia and other bases differ.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:00 pm 
Elven Warrior
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It could be that they're running the stock down, as they can re-melt the metal models, so the UK is more likely to have more stock than the rest of world as it's 'base 1', with the rest of the world on standby for finecast.

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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:15 am 

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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Barrow-wights not whites.

None of the evil, (and few of the good) models on that list are on a delay in the UK. For something to be definitive, it would be affected in the other zones as well, especially the UK/Europe one as that is base 1, whereas the US/Canada and the Australia and other bases differ.

If you had read what I wrote, these models have been this way since almost the first of the year here in the us. This is not exactly a two week delay. I do not know if anyone who ordered these particular models recieved them after two to three weeks. The Rohan royal guard mounted had a delay at one point and is now back to ships in 24 hours. I suspect as others do that GW wants to keep low stock to make the transition to finecast less of a mess. They recast over 20 models with this last release so I expect another large list of recast finecast soon. Probably after GW release the new paints.

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:16 pm 
Elven Elder
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Who says there will be new paints. And even if there are, who says they're not just changing the suppliers but everythin else about them remains the same or something.

I would agree to the soonnes of new Finecast, but I think few of the items on the list of things you've posted will be amongst them.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:24 pm 

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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Who says there will be new paints. And even if there are, who says they're not just changing the suppliers but everythin else about them remains the same or something.

Its a fairly persistant internet rumour. Apparently some independent stores have been told to expect new paint racks, so at a aminimum I guess that means a new bottle design (to contain less paint for the same price if GWs usual practise is anything to go by)
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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:38 pm 
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I'll weigh in on what I know about the Arbalesters here in the US...
Before the Christmas Holiday, they were out of them. I called, that is how I knew.
Was told on the phone they were on way to TN after the new New Year. So I waited
it out and called back. I buy for WOTR mainly, so I asked how many were available.
Think he said 12 blisters available, and I picked up 3 for myself. Thinking I'd call
back in a week or two if I could order more.

...Well if what appears to be case, I am out of luck for a while. But I am happy
I have the 2 coy's for WOTR, and plenty for the SBG.

So to me it seems they brought in what they could, and possibly we are now in the
lurch waiting for Finecast to be released. ...just wanted to put my $0.02 in

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 Post subject: Re: No more Khazad Guard?
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:57 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Who says there will be new paints. And even if there are, who says they're not just changing the suppliers but everythin else about them remains the same or something.

I would agree to the soonnes of new Finecast, but I think few of the items on the list of things you've posted will be amongst them.


Do things look different? Ever heard of a cadian fleshtone layer or any of the others besides mechrite red?
Changing suppliers is a big deal, it is difficult for one manufacturer to exactly match the color of another without knowing what colors/pigments from which supplier actually went into making the paint.
Not just persistent rumors, this will happen. I believe the release of new colors AND the use of a new supplier has essentialy been confirmed. Note the loss of hobby articles and the lack of any hobby related material in the new sourcebooks. Expect there to be a new rulebook with hobby material in it in the future, using the new paints.

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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