The One Ring

Plastic Wraith on Fell Beast - need some help please.
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Author:  Baldrick [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Plastic Wraith on Fell Beast - need some help please.

Hi all,

Basically I've had (for quite a while now) the plastic Ringwraith on Fell beast model, and while I have built it (and a right pain it was too! :-X ) it is still causing me headaches with a few problems, and with your help, I'd like to get 'em solved.

1) Where on earth do you keep it? At the moment I have mine wrapped in bubble wrap in an old shoe box, due to the sheer size of the thing, however while at the time it seemed a good idea, this has since been proven to be inadequate, as when I took it out of it's home recently, I found that it had suffered a couple of injuries - one of the wings had come off, the very end of the tail had been bent slightly (although that's not really an issue) and one of the feet had come off. Whilst these things have been repaired now, any suggestions about where I can store the thing, as well as how I can prevent these breakings from happening again (e.g. pinning or what have you, please provide a tutorial, as I dunno how to do it) would be greatly appreciated! - oh, just an added thing, while it was built with GWs Plastic Glue, I've repaired it with Humbrol plastic glue - which from my experience so far, has been far far superior, so I dunno, from others who've used it, has it been stronger than GW glue?

2) The stupid bloody flying base! :shock: Every time i put it on and get it how I want it, the slightest movement and the bloody thing either falls off the ball thing, or just falls limp to one side. How can I keep it secure in one position on it's flying base and be able to move it without it going limp or just plain falling off.

3) Gaps, quite simple here, there are a few gaps in the fell beast (and the wraith) which I want to fill in, the main areas are around the tail and wings really, and on the arms of the wraiths. Any suggestions on how I can fill them in and keep the green-stuff/putty nice and smooth when I do (so that when it's sprayed it doesn't look like it's been filled in) would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much.

Author:  PippinMeatShield [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plastic Wraith on Fell Beast - need some help please.

You could try and magnetize the model so its easy storage but other than that I got no no idea

Author:  Necromancer7 [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plastic Wraith on Fell Beast - need some help please.

I keep my fell beasts on display. Having said that, I've no idea how you'd store them for transport. Whenever I've moved house I've just carried them in the car :/
Presumably if you had a box large enough filled with cotton buds or something it would be protected, but that's a pretty time consuming solution I would imagine.

Liquid Green Stuff should solve your gap filling problems. 'Painting' it on with a brush allows you to get a very smooth finish which is much harder with regular Green Stuff. You can slowly build up layers of Liquid Green Stuff to ensure a smooth job; it's great.

Author:  Telchar [ Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plastic Wraith on Fell Beast - need some help please.

Humbrol Plastic Glue is (IME) equal to any other plastic glue (I have used Revell and Airfix, as well), but superior to Superglue when it works (plastic glue doesn't work on most kinds of plastic :-X ).

Author:  Baldrick [ Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plastic Wraith on Fell Beast - need some help please.

Thank you very much for the help.

I've already fixed the Fellbeast so he's all back together again, and I've also just stopped my whinging and just went and filled in the gaps with GS - granted it isn't as smoot as liquid GS would be but I think it's smooth enough so that no one would notice if I ever get round to painting it :)

Cheers for the suggestions on how to store it... I'll try and think up another solution - probably just a bigger box lol.

Any suggestions regarding the flying base?

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