The One Ring |
Elvish hair |
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Author: | Troll-king [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:30 pm ] |
Post subject: | Elvish hair |
I'm just starting out painting really. These are some of my Uruk Hai scouts. ![]() And more of my painting is here: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=21650 I am painting some wood elves and don't know how to do their hair or their base. What is a good yellow for their hair? I will be painting Legolas too. And what can I use to get the look of brown leaves on the base, as if they're in a wood? I glued sand on the base before we undercoated them, and can paint it, but wonder what the best colours might be, and if there's anywhere I can get a leaf effect. I have some dark green grass, as on my Uruk Hai scouts. I really like these elves, although I know mine won't be anywhere near as good: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=17771&start=60 THanks for any help you can give me, Curtis |
Author: | Elland [ Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Problems with elves: blond hair and brown leaves |
for blonde hair, you can give them a basecoat of Snakebite Leather, followed by a drybrush of desert yellow, then bleached bone. Alternatively, you can basecoat Iyanden Darksun, Gryphonne Sepia Wash, then a drybrush of Iyanden. Add bleached bone if you like. As for leaves, you can use household spices such as oregano or basil. |
Author: | Uncle_Cthulu [ Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Problems with elves: blond hair and brown leaves |
I tend to follow the painting guides found in the fellowship, so pretty much as Elland said, i used snakebite leather, desert yellow, bleached bone and then a wash to tie the colours together. Uruks looking good. |
Author: | Beowulf03809 [ Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Problems with elves: blond hair and brown leaves |
If you're doing a WotR force and want a quick recipe for blond hair that looks good try snakebite leather with a wash of Devlan Mud. For variety you can mix the wash with some water to lighten it on a few of the models. On others go back over the washed hair with a very light drybrush of snakebite again. One thing to keep in mind though is only the films show all the WEs as blond. I still keep about 50% or so of my WEs as blond/light brown hair, but mix in some dark brown (scorched brow), red (dark flesh or scab red), black and gray in there as well. The variety really helps with the overall appearance and believability of the force and adds little to the painting time. |
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