The One Ring |
Dunlending horsemen |
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Author: | Angularity [ Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Dunlending horsemen |
Does anyone have any ideas how to depict Dunlending horsemen? I've seen the various GW figures, so the concensus seems to be that they have red cloaks (presumably because Rohan has green), round shields and axes, possibly with a bit of fur thrown in. How does the red cloak/shield thing work, if Erkenbrand of the Westfold, the area nearest to Dunland, carried a red shield? Wouldn't that cause confusion? BUT, what other colour would work? What about putting the White Hand in the centre of their shields, overlaying their own motifs to show loyalty to Saruman? Uruk-hai type shields and/or helmets on some, to show they've been armed from Isengard? I'm rubbish at designing things, but don't want to end up with Red Rohirrim. |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:33 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dunlending horsemen |
Round shield in red and yellow with wolfs heads on them |
Author: | theOneRider [ Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:57 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dunlending horsemen |
Your idea of using White Hand uruk armor is a good one, too. If I remember, in the movie a lot of the wildmen were using Isengard swords, so converting with bits from an Uruk Hai sprue would be a good way to add some style to your army. As to the colors, I really always pictured the Dunlendings as looking pretty grimy even when they were organized and successful (for example when sieging Helm in the Deeping Combe). So myself, I'd probably go with dark browns and greys, highlighted just enough to look like that was the intended color but had since been made filthy. For the cloaks, I'd probably give them a look of fur on one side and paint the other to look like tanned fur-skins. These guys did live on the edge of mountain ranges, after all, so they'd want to be able to deal with the cold. Whatever you decide, I'd love to see pictures when you're done! |
Author: | Telchar [ Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dunlending horsemen |
Personally, I'm going to stick some Warg Rider bits on Riders of Rohan (i.e. Shield and Weapon swaps) and then paint, them with a very dark palette, things like Scorched Brown and/or Scab Red cloth and Adeptus Battlegrey with a Devlan mud wash for the armour. Then give them black/dark brown beards and hair, and I suppose (and hope) they'll turn out quite different from the Rohirrim. I don't guarantee anything though, as I haven't tried yet. |
Author: | theOneRider [ Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Dunlending horsemen |
Sounds cool. Love to see pix when you're done! |
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