The One Ring

Wood Elf Painting Guide - Please (I'm new)
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Author:  king boo [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Wood Elf Painting Guide - Please (I'm new)

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to painting and was wondering if anyone could post a link to a wood elf painting guide or could put one on here for me.

All help and tips appreciated!!

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wood Elf Painting Guide - Please (I'm new)

Hello and welcome to the site :)

We don't have any Wood Elf painting guides in the Tomes of Wisdom yet, but you could use some of the painting techniques used in this Legolas article on normal Wood Elves as a lot of things would be the same (cloth, skin, bows, hair etc.) - kb.php?a=92

If this isn't enough, you could always add an article request (via the following link - kb.php?i=request&action=add) to the library and someone helpful and willing might work on an article to add to the library for you.

Hope that helps.

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