The One Ring |
What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
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Author: | Tabletop_heroes [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Ok, so somebody has to ask ![]() So here goes.... |
Author: | Ultragreek [ Tue May 24, 2011 7:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Only this will be made in resin...Not all...6 |
Author: | Pinky Beecroft [ Tue May 24, 2011 11:40 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Seeing as I don't play the game yet, and probably never will with the way the prices are going (especially here in Australia now that GW have basically cut off our supply of reasonably priced minis with their new terms), I'm more of a collector. If the quality is as good as it's cracked up to be I might grab another Sauron (I've already got two) for a diorama or something once they start showing up on ebay. |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Thu May 26, 2011 11:17 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Ok, 16 options of which I have 8 (Boromir, Aragorn, Theoden, Saruman, Fellowship, Dain & Balin, Suladan, Elrond & GG). Three more (Gothmog, Sauron and Troll Chief) don't appeal to me because I don't play Mordor. Of the remaining ones, I definitely need Uruk Berserkers and Crossbowmen (and Grima perhaps) but there should be plenty online via eBay. Gandalf the White and the Dark Marshal would be nice, but I'll see if I can grab them online too. Gulhavar is a nice model but totally out of touch with LotR in general, plus my FLGS has a metal one in stock at 20% off. I'm frankly disappointed that they've decided to reissue so many Heroes right off the bat. I mean, how many times has mounted GTW been released? How long has the Saruman and Grima blister been out (not to mention Saruman's frequent reissues)? The thing is, I HAVE Aragorn, I HAVE Saruman and I HAVE Boromir all twice over or more. I don't need another. Now, if Khazad Guard were in the first wave I might grab some out of need. I'm not going to pay through the nose for a model I already have just because it's shiny and new and I might happen to have the cash in pocket. |
Author: | aelfwine [ Fri May 27, 2011 6:16 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
That's a usefully reassuring list. None of them are tempting me :p I don't mean that in an obnoxious way. I do love metal, but I suspect resins are the future, as well as a move towards the sort of ornate paint jobs American minis companies use to sell their wares. But I really don't want to be spending money randomly anytime soon. I know exactly what I want to buy next (well, kinda), and its commonly available on ebay, so...phew ![]() Something that would be very pretty is the Heroes of Helm's Deep series, or the metal armoured Lorien elves (aka Haldir's Elves) in this new format. |
Author: | werner [ Fri May 27, 2011 6:49 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
I've ordered 'Mordor Troll Chieftain' ![]() |
Author: | dave85uk [ Fri May 27, 2011 8:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
not interested in any of those, atm |
Author: | Dezartfox [ Fri May 27, 2011 8:12 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
I can't choose ![]() |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Fri May 27, 2011 1:41 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Dezartfox wrote: I can't choose ![]() Now, to your knowledge, are a lot of people "doubling up" and planning to get the FInecast version of models they already have? |
Author: | Tabletop_heroes [ Sat May 28, 2011 4:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Picked up a Sauron this morning. First impressions, it looks a very clean cast with great armour detail but, wow he is so light. I like my "monsters" and bigger models to have a bit of weight.... I'll assemble him tomorro morning and try to post some pics before I start to paint him. I for one won't be replacing my metal heroes and monsters with Finecast, I'll only purchase when Finecast is the only option.. |
Author: | Ultragreek [ Sat May 28, 2011 6:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
That's a good reason... |
Author: | gaarew [ Sat May 28, 2011 10:33 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Picked up the Nurgle Daemon Prince today, basically because I always wanted to paint one, and it only went up £1. Figured I'd give Finecast a chance to see if it really is as good as they make out. At the moment, as far as I'm concerned, it just seems to be like any other resin model. Kinda like PP 'plastics'. My one concern is that it will be easy to make a hash of things taking them off the sprue. Still haven't seen a health warning on them, which I expected considering filing them will give off resin dust. |
Author: | Nevinsrip [ Mon May 30, 2011 6:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
To be honest, I have never bought a single mini from GW. All of my collection of over 1,000 models came from internet trades or purchases from Ebay or other sites. Not only are GW prices ridiculous, but now the models will break every time they are knocked over or dropped. Resin sucks. Bows, spears and banners will all break off if not treated wih extreme care. If you think plastic models broke easily, wait till you see what happens with resin. Not buying now or ever. |
Author: | Whiskas [ Mon May 30, 2011 8:15 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Nevinsrip wrote: To be honest, I have never bought a single mini from GW. All of my collection of over 1,000 models came from internet trades or purchases from Ebay or other sites. Not only are GW prices ridiculous, but now the models will break every time they are knocked over or dropped. Resin sucks. Bows, spears and banners will all break off if not treated wih extreme care. If you think plastic models broke easily, wait till you see what happens with resin. Not buying now or ever. I think some tests were done (kicking resin miniatures across the room) and they didn't break, they're a resin/plastic mix. |
Author: | Cyndra the Grey [ Mon May 30, 2011 8:19 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
To my knowledge, the resin is a new formula that doesn't produce harmful dust but I haven't heard that officially from GW. It's a shame that models are limited to 3 per person. I won't be getting any of the LotR finecast models but I may get some 40k ones, because they are cheaper and I will get a lot more use out of them (I rarely get to play LotR). Cyndra the Grey |
Author: | Dezartfox [ Mon May 30, 2011 9:20 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
The dust isn't harmful, and the finecast stuff is flexible: Read this: ... =16800012a ![]() |
Author: | Old Chestnut [ Mon May 30, 2011 3:34 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Quote: The dust isn't harmful, and the finecast stuff is flexible: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Asbestos and fiber glass are inert until you inhale them. Do I need to mention coal dust? You should wear a dust mask when you sand anything. ![]() Quote: stuff is flexible That is interesting. Looks like they won't break in the toy box. ![]() I don't think my local retailer is going to continue to stock LOTR at all.With you access can you show us some examples of LOTR rank and file? Can we see if the Berserker swords break off? |
Author: | Ukfreddybear [ Mon May 30, 2011 5:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Well I have all those minis in metal already so I won't be buying any. I cannot perceive of any finecast model that would appeal to me at this point in time. When the hobbit movie comes out, and the corresponding character minis are released, I will have a look. So that's another 18 months at least before I even contemplate on giving GW any more of my money. |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Mon May 30, 2011 6:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
Unfortunately, I have only relatively recently switched my primary Evil allegiance from Mordor to Isengard. Thus, having ignored the metals for 7 or 8 years, I find myself in need of some Berserkers and Crossbows. Unfortunately, the WETA design for Isengard forces is both specific and a favourite of mine, so finding suitable replacements in other manufacturers' ranges is highly unlikely. Fontunately, the metals are quite old and were produced in some quantity, so I'm confident I'll find some on eBay. However, I've noticed that these Finecast models are less than $1Cdn more each than the metals. With this in mind, I'll likely get some at some point just to see how they are. Can't very well complain without ever having had one in hand, right? ![]() |
Author: | Angularity [ Tue May 31, 2011 2:46 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: What will be your first Citadel Finecast Model? |
I looked at a few on Saturday. I was amazed by the price hike (3 Uruk crossbowmen in metal, £8.20. 4 of the same in resin, £14.00). They reckon the compound they're using is much safer than other resins, and it certainly looks different to what I've used in the past. The staff were going round the shop comparing old figures with new. I can see the better detail, but with my painting skills, I doubt I'll see the benefit. I got the impression that the originals they were making the moulds from were created to slightly exaggerate features, because of the smoothing effect of the metal casting process. They look a little odd done in resin. Once they get new figures designed for the new process, we should see some interesting figures. And FGS let's not assume that because one dusty thing can kill you, all dusty things will kill you. Let's use a bit of science here. The 'precautionary principle' would have us all wandering round in grass skirts and living in caves. |
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