Hi Ranger

I'm definately still on the path to good paitning myself so I want to make sure my tone isn't seen and patronising or anything

. But if I may offer some feedback, I think the scores are a tad low, but not far off the mark when measured against GD winners etc. Don't get me wrong, they are very good, I wish I played against armies that looked like that

. I haven't done any NMM, but it seems to me that until you reach a certain level with it your efforts will go largely unnoticed by viewers. It's one of those all or nothing things, if it isn't near to perfect it just doesn't work when measured against the work of the experts. I don't share this view, it's clear to me that you are learning alot about NMM, but it isn't quite yet at the level of a 6.5 or 7 by CMoN standards.
The trebuchet is nicely constructed and you've clearly gone to alot of effort with it, but it's alot like the GW one which I have heard many a gripe about. I still would have rated it higher than they did because you've built it very well, but for those higher scores maybe you could look into creating more realistic designs based on the films and real world trebs which are graceful and intricate machines.
Remember that CMoN standards are very high. A score of 8 is unnataible for most people without huge amounts of practice or natural talent. The most important thing is that you learn with each model you make, and that you judge it by your own standards first and reflect on ways that you can improve your skill.
Great job though, you will get NMM right soon enough I'm sure, just don't get put off by the steep learning curve
