The One Ring

how to paint this colour?
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Author:  Fall of Fingolfin [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  how to paint this colour?

hey everyone
i just wanted to know how i would go around painting gold like this:

any help much apprciated

Author:  Jamros [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

The painting guide to the Sanguinor miniature was featured in White Dwarf 363. The gold armor was painted using a non-metallic metal style. What the article suggested was to first undercoat the model Chaos Black. Then, basecoat the model with a 1:1 mix of Calthan Brown and Snakebite Leather. Next, paint Snakebite Leather with a small amount of Bleached Bone onto the raised edges. Now, add more to the same step, this time 2:1 Snakebite Leather and Bleached Bone. Then, again, a little more, 1:1 Snakebite Leather to Bleached Bone. For the next step, even MORE of the Bleached Bone, Snakebite Leather mix was added, this time, 1:2. Now, add a watered down Dark Flesh wash into the recesses. Next, mix Chaos Black and Dark Flesh, 1:2, and wash that into the recesses. An extreme highlight of watered down Bleached Down should be added next. Following this, a watered down Chaos Black shade was added to the miniature. Then, an extreme highlight of Skull White was applied. The entire armor was washed with a watered down Sunburst Yellow, then a Leviathan Purple was glazed into the recesses. Finally, add one more extreme highlight of Skull White.

That was probably extremely hard to follow. The article, as I said, is in White Dwarf 363. Is the article worth $9? You decide (no). But it really would be easier if you could see the description exactly as written accompanying a picture to verify that you are indeed doing it correctly (btw I have a sub to WD that was a Christmas gift, otherwise I definitely wouldn't have this article either).

Edit: Spelled "Sanguinor" as "Sanguinator", sorry :)

Author:  Fall of Fingolfin [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  jamros

jamros? is this the magazine?

i would love to have that article even if it is £4.50

Author:  Jamros [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, sorry, US WD 363. So for you guys, it'd be White Dwarf 364; the issue concerning the Blood Angels, featuring them on the cover. The issue is, as you'd expect, almost entirely about the Blood Angels Space Marines, but LotR-wise, the issue features two War of the Ring articles about Rohan. The Sanguinor paint guide is 8 pages long, and every method featured in it could easily be applied elsewhere in your miniature collection as well.

If you want to know anything else about the issue before deciding to purchase it, let me know. :)

Author:  Fall of Fingolfin [ Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jamros wrote:
If you want to know anything else about the issue before deciding to purchase it, let me know. :)

nope that is fine, i think i will get it thanks :D

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