Beowulf03809 wrote:
For those that are already larger you can do little tricks such as building up their base or putting them on a "rock" or such. In this way they are visibly more "dramatic" than the common troops and the scale diff probably won't be noticed.
That's one of the things I was thinking, build him up so he is standing on a ledge or whatever above his troops. That way hes not standing shoulder to shoulder, or rather shoulder to top of the head, with the rank and file.
Plus for now I won't be playing any games, just painting and building some scenery/diorama type things.
Beowulf03809 wrote:
Though the temptation may be there, I suggest you hold off on doing the Mumuk for a while. Those are expensive so you may only ever own one for your collection and they are not something you can easily take apart and redo later. Wait until you're really happy with the way your basic troops are coming out before you dive into that guy.
Ya, I took him out of the box and sized up the pieces but I am going to wait. In fact, I will probably be waiting a while on all of these models. I've just started listening to an unabridged audiobook of The Lord of the Rings (which is awesome) and I plan to paint these guys up after I have finished listening to it. Probably drag out my books as well and just browse over the bits to see if there's any inspiration I can take from it.
The store also had some Fellowship of the Ring boxes, so I think I am going to take a look tommorow. I am only to the point where Frodo and Company meet Strider, and already have ideas for dozens of diorama's

I guess it speaks to how amazing the story is, where the adventure has barely begun and I am already daydreaming about what to do.