Good Ideas. thanks.
Let me explain. Since I am being asked "Why" Not rohan?
1 year ago this month. I started WOTR.
The original plan,was to field 2 seperate 750 point armies.
the first being rohan,the second being harad.
The rohan force was to have some allies in the form of elves.
this was done in order to keep cost's down,and not have to get too burned out in one particualr painting project.(variety is the spice of life kids

Now,somewhere along the line. GW released a bunch of must have stuff and they of course made me buy it.
All or most of it had nothing to do with my rohan force.
My Harad army is HUGE!!,and I had a deal come my way for extra wood elves,and those really low powered crappy Galadhrim Knights
Meanwhile my 2 boxes of riders and erkenbrand sit on my shelf
January arrived and I was not currently playing.
enter wallet slaying 40k.

. . .Yup you guessed it!!
No more rohan purchased,because I just had to have a 2000pt crimson fist's army.
Just last week I had two stores close in my area.
No more 40k,wotr,or warmachine.
This news get's counter acted by a new store that is opening up in june.
After talking to the new owner,I get to be the guy that set's up a Display,
and teach folks the game.
Only thing is i don't have enough rohan,and i really can't afford another 400 dollars to get jiggy with it just to show off.
This is the price you pay for being a step dad with an 18 year old daughter that is graduating in 1 week.
So it would just be easier for me to develop the elves,and then slowly over time (yea right) build my rohan.
whew!! now you know the rest of the story.
: in truth,it's my own fault. Had i been doing what needed to be done,instead of getting side tracked this would have never have happened