Hello all and particularly those of you in the UK and Eire.
I recently stumbled upon this website
(Sorry, as this is my first post, it is not letting me post a URL)
And was amazed at the number of cool models that are available, in particular it looks like some of the trolls/ents/sauron etc are possiblly compatible with GWs LoTR minis in terms of scale, not too mention some of the scenery type pieces like the Tree of Gondor, Balrog statues from the bridge over Morgulduin and Rohan king statue from helms deep.
My questions are thus:
- Have any of you guys in the UK/Eire bought any of these models and are they compatible scalewise.
- If they are, would any of you be willing for me to send money (for postage as well as purchasing of course) and get you to purchase some of these and send them back to me? i live in New Zealand, and very frustratingly, cannot order these online or get them sent to NZ.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards Chris

, (aka Hubminator)