The One Ring

Painting Eomer?
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Author:  whafrog [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Painting Eomer?

I've been painting a lot of Rohan, but for some reason every time I look at Eomer I run away and paint something else. It's the armour, and I can't decide how to approach it. From some pics it looks like it's red leather over metal do I base it with chainmail and paint red over it? Or some other method?

Any advice welcome!

Author:  Highlordell [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, if its the old Eomer model i know what you mean, it is quite hideous to say the least.

Well i most of the BGiME and the Eomer is too early on to be useful but the Theodred one seems fine and his armour is nearly the same.

Well i would start with the Metal itself underneath the leather overlay, so do that with a drybrush or however you normall do metal.

Then basecoat of whatever coulour is in the deepest reccesses and keep adding highlight until you get to the highest parts. ( Possibly Terrecotta / Scab red through to a mix of Blood Red abd Tentecle Pink )

Then do the edges of the armour if they are in a different colour and add a brighter highlight. (Not sure about colours since its a long time since i painted my Eomer)

Then do the leather straps that are not red how you normally do leather. Not sure about the metal but on Theodreds it is made to have a rusted look aswell.

Just me thoughts, and im no expert painter.

Author:  archmage45 [ Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's pretty much how I painted it, metal under red leather. Paint the armor like you would for any other metal armor. If I recall correctly I used tinbits, boltgun, black wash, chainmail for the armor.

Then go over all the leather with black and paint it up till the leather looks right. I used a mix of terracotta, dark flesh, red gore, and blood red and a bit of white along with flesh wash.

Be very careful as you build up and highlight the red. It's very easy to make it look like you highlighted it with pink.

Good luck!

Author:  whafrog [ Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks guys, I'll give it a try. One thing I also discovered, is that Red Gore alone (any of the reds, really), doesn't cover well, and this was also putting me off. But if I mix in about 1/6th Mechrite Red it covers way more smoothly. Also works really well for Dark Angel's Green with a bit of Knarloc Green.

Author:  archmage45 [ Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Red also goes on well over browns. Remember to thin your paints, and to not be afraid of multiple thin coats!

Good luck!

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