The One Ring |
Elfhelm's Riders, Erkenbrand's Riders. etc... |
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Author: | Lord Hurin [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:24 am ] |
Post subject: | Elfhelm's Riders, Erkenbrand's Riders. etc... |
Hey all, for a number of the Legendary Formations in War of the Ring it looks like we're to use regular plastic models. While my pocketbook likes this very much, I'm wondering how to differentiate these units from their Common and Rare counterparts. Here's a list: Blackroot Vale Archers: They're represented by Rangers in the book, but are listed as having heavy armour. Erkenbrand's Riders: They have +1 Strength compared to a normal Rohirrim. Some have suggested giving them all red shields to form some solidarity with Erkenbrand himself. Theodred's Knights: The Prince of Rohan's bodyguard is more skilled than regular Royal Knights. Since Theodred's colour scheme seems to be green, (in opposition to his father's red) maybe give his Knights green vambraces and greaves as well as green clothing. A purple cape, signifying royalty, could complete the new colour scheme. Grimbold's Helmingas: Like Erkenbrand's Riders, these Legendary warriors are stronger than typical Men. Unlike Erkenbrand, Grimbold doesn't have a distinctive piece of gear. What could convey strength while also tying in with their leader? Elfhelm's Riders: With longer movement and the Master Pathfinders ability, Elfhelm's boys seem like scouts. Outriders would make good candidates; except that Elfhelm's Riders are supposed to be armed with shields and thrown weapons as well as bows. Any suggestions? Gildor's Household: The Elves of Finrod have a higher Fight Value than other unarmoured (Wood) Elves; theirs is in line with the High Elves. Since Finrod was noted for his golden hair, having this Formation comprised entirely or mostly of blonde Elves fits in. Also, rather than the brown and green robes of Wood Elves greys and blues like the Elves in Rivendell make sense. Moria Expeditionaries, Murin's Guard, Durin's Guard: While their stats are identical to normal Dwarf Warriors, the differing colour schemes between Balin's Expedition, Dwarves of Erebor and Dwarves of Khazad-dum make good alternatives for these troops. The various paint schemes can be found in the Khazad-dum supplement for the SBG. Gundabad Blackshields: These "elite" Goblins are stronger than the norm. While not a Legendary Formation, the lack of models makes them something of an enigma. Even worse, without a specific Hero leading them like the Legendaries get, using basic Goblin plastics for these guys makes it easy to confuse them on the tabletop. I've heard suggestions of using the metal "armoured" Goblins for these, but with a low Defence you'll need a good 4-6 Companies' worth to soak up fire. Metals simply aren't cost effective. There are numerous others, like Denethor's Guard, Shagrat's Tower Guard, Grishnakh's Trackers and others. If anyone has a good way of differentiating them from normal Formations, please post them! |
Author: | Little_Odo [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:56 am ] |
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If one has a large, already painted collection of troops then this may prove a little problematic. However, variations on basing schemes could make some differences apparent - some with plain scree, others with scree and grass and yet others with scree, grass, rocks or lichen. That way, to differentiate already painted units, perhaps only the addition of a few rocks or pieces of lichen could make the difference? Alternatively, painting the base rims slightly varying colours could have the same effect. Hopefully all of these methods won't affect the paint jobs already painstakingly applied and allow for them al to be used as a single unit if variationis not required. If starting from scratch however, then Lord Hurin's suggestions make sense. I will be redoing my Rohan soon; to differentiate units I am going to paint their cloaks slightly different shades of green. What may have been better though would have been to give each unit a particular shield design, but I have already glued them up in a random manner and undercoated several - oh well! |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:31 pm ] |
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Little_Odo wrote: If starting from scratch however, then Lord Hurin's suggestions make sense. I will be redoing my Rohan soon; to differentiate units I am going to paint their cloaks slightly different shades of green. What may have been better though would have been to give each unit a particular shield design, but I have already glued them up in a random manner and undercoated several - oh well!
I'm giving all of my Erkenbrand's Riders the same style shield he has (the twin horse-heads facing outwards) and painting them red. Even if I use the Epic Hero version of Erky, it'll be nice to have him leading a unified force. As for your basing idea, not my cup of tea personally since I like to have a uniform basing style over the entire army. Others may run with it though, and I hope to see pics from any who do! |
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