The One Ring |
Rohan Banner Bearers |
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Author: | Lord Hurin [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:24 am ] |
Post subject: | Rohan Banner Bearers |
Hey all, I was wondering if there was anywhere to get just a mounted Rohan Banner without the foot version. I'm in need of both regular Riders as well as Royal Guard. For War of The Ring, Banners are nice to have in cavalry companies but unnecessary in infantry ones. I could, of course, make my own but they generally look too "flat." So, any help/ suggestions would be great! |
Author: | geezer of rhun [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:49 am ] |
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I say make your own. I use copper flashing to fabricate the flag. That way it diesn't look flat and can be shaped to any form and it will hold up better. You could use aluminum can the same way (it's free, too!) and you recycle materials. Win-win situation ![]() Good luck! GofR |
Author: | Longbottom Leaf [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:55 am ] |
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You could always try the trade forum here on OR. I'm sure there is someone willing to trade a Rohan mounted banner-bearer. You could also try your luck on eBay, although I'm not sure you'd have as much luck there. |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:03 am ] |
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geezer of rhun wrote: I say make your own.
I use copper flashing to fabricate the flag. That way it diesn't look flat and can be shaped to any form and it will hold up better. You could use aluminum can the same way (it's free, too!) and you recycle materials. Win-win situation ![]() Good luck! GofR Hmm... tin foil eh? Have you tried it? The idea sounds awesome, I'm just concerned about how it would paint up... |
Author: | rohan nut [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:33 am ] |
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I just use paper dipped in watered down pva.It sets stiff and you have enough time to set it in ripples and waves. also works on cloaks to a point. for the Royal Guard there is a specially posed model with his lance sticking up. I use them for Theodreds riders to as the look lancy |
Author: | emperor_thompson [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:59 am ] |
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Textured paper works well. My brother did this for an orc banner, and it looks very effective. |
Author: | Phantom_Lord [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:24 am ] |
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rohan nut wrote: I just use paper dipped in watered down pva.It sets stiff and you have enough time to set it in ripples and waves.
I make my own banners this way to, is quite effective and doesn't take to long. If painted up it looks quite well. |
Author: | Fishlegs [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:58 am ] |
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If you cut a banner shape out of the plastic of a blister pack (including tabs to stick it to the pole), and then hold it in some tongs/ tweezers in the steam from a boiling kettle you get a rippling banner that then sets hard. |
Author: | Woodswalker [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:51 pm ] |
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Something I tried one day was cut out the shape of banner you need from thin plastic card, and heat it up by holding it near an open flame (not in it!). I held it where it would be attached to the pole, and gravity did the rest. The stiffness of the plasticard also made sure the waves and ripples in the banner were smooth and gently curved. Once primed, the plasticard was easy to paint. And then I dropped it ![]() |
Author: | geezer of rhun [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:47 pm ] |
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BTW, Not tin/aluminum foil, but a Can for a banner.. It's much sturdier than foil. It paints up fine and holds it's form... You can even cut a can with a utlilty knife or strong pair of scissors. The plastic card idea is good, too. My suggestion was for saving money, then spend the money you save on minis ![]() |
Author: | Hashut's Blessing [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:58 am ] |
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I haved heard use of the foil from a toothpaste tube works well. However, maybe you could try trading for someone's KoMT banner arm or Galadhrim knight arm or similar. If it has detailing on it, file it off. |
Author: | SilverHeimdall [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:03 pm ] |
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A quick repost of a tutorial I found on a warhammer painting/modelling forum. 1. Talc on the work table to keep it from sticking 2. Roll the greenstuff to a thin layer ![]() 3. Use a piece of cardboard or whatever to make a basic shape as well as the dimensions of the banner you want and cut out that form from the greenstuff ![]() 4. Start trimming the banner to look a bit ragged and worn ![]() 5. Give it form before and glue it to your models ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author: | Ukfreddybear [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:53 pm ] |
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I've got a mounted banner bearer that I converted if you want to trade for it. It's basically exactly like the official one apart from there isn't a raised pattern on the banner itself. I can post a pic if you like. It's undercoated black. |
Author: | Lord Hurin [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:09 pm ] |
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ukfreddybear wrote: I've got a mounted banner bearer that I converted if you want to trade for it. It's basically exactly like the official one apart from there isn't a raised pattern on the banner itself. I can post a pic if you like. It's undercoated black.
Thank you. I'll take a look at your trade list. |
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